Where the rainfall is below 20 inches, irrigation can be introduced to supplement it. The choice between this type of grass depends on how fast you want your lawn to grow. Bermudagrass is common in sports fields, parks, golf courses, tennis courts, and lawns. Additionally, it isnt very tolerant of cold weather, so its best grown in a warmer climate. This warm-season turf requires 6 hours of sunlight per day. This variety of warm-season grass, also nicknamed lazy mans grass, provides a thick turf. Also, it is highly-tolerant of sunlight and moderate salt exposure. What are the pros and cons of centipede grass? Thats because centipede grass grows on a stolon. It loses its productivity and eventually doesnt survive. However, key differences do exist between them. I thought centipede would keep bermuda grass out. Leaves have a coarser texture. Its not suitable for cold climatic conditions that go below 10 F. The best way to overseed centipede grass is by St. Augustine ( since it has a similar color, mowing height, and is best for shade), Dwarf Fescue, and Annual Ryegrass (both remain green in winter). Latitude 36 Bermudagrass. It also doesnt require daily watering. Centipede grass is easy to grow and care for, and the most challenging part of the process is usually ensuring it has enough water. Please verify all form fields again. Meanwhile, centipede leaf blades are light green, wide, and thinner than bermudagrass. Not drought tolerant. The Ultimate Lawn Care Calendar Month-By-Month Guide to a Beautiful Lawn, Types of Lawn Fertilizers How to Choose the Right One, Types of Grass Seed: How to Choose the Right One. Centipedegrass thrives in sandy, acidic soil of pH 5.0 to 6.0. Main Differences Between Bermuda Grass and Centipede Grass Bermuda grass can tolerate high foot traffic while Centipede grass can't. Centipede grass can experience an iron deficiency in alkaline soil while Bermuda can tolerate growing in extreme soil conditions such as high pH and salinity. For a helpful care calendar to help you keep track of your Bermuda grasss needs, check out this fantastic Youtube tutorial from The Lawn Tools: Centipede grass is best for people who live in warm, humid, rainy areas with sandy soil in the Southeastern United States. The leaves can be rounded, flat, or lanceolate at the base but pointed at the tips. It grows with just the right amount of watering. This grass does not tolerate high traffic and will die off quickly if constantly used. This warm-season species should be mowed to a height of 1 inch. This article breaks down the centipede vs bermuda grass debate. Thats why were here to help you. What are the disadvantages of Bermuda grass? St. Augustine Grass, Centipede Grass / By Joe Bethel. The position of the Hallucigenia's head puzzled scientists for several years. These short, stubby roots are also not ideal for hilly lawns since they wont fight soil erosion. If youre in a state that has extreme cold or wet seasons, you should remember to not sow during those times. Centipedegrass establishes as sods, sprigs, and seeds. Bermuda grass is a medium to dark green grass with broad, coarse blades. However, each grass . A beautiful, lush green lawn is a source of pride for homeowners. It has a moderate ability to tolerate cold weather. This grass species is extremely high-maintenance and requires a lot of nutrients. If the pH is too high, as is usually the case in the areas where this grass grows best, you can apply 5 lbs (2.27 kg) of pelletized sulfur per 1,000 square feet (92 square meters) to lower it. Required fields are marked *. This extensive use is due to its resilient nature. Bermudagrass is better if you want a thicker, dark green lawn that is more attractive. Bermuda Grass vs. Centipede Grass: 5 Ways They Differ, Pennington Seeds, Available here: https://www.pennington.com/all-products/grass-seed/resources/all-you-need-to-know-about-bermudagrass, North Carolina State University, Available here: https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/cynodon-dactylon/, Pennington Seeds, Available here: https://www.pennington.com/all-products/grass-seed/resources/all-you-need-to-know-about-centipede-grass, iNaturalist, Available here: https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/162425-Eremochloa-ophiuroides. A centipede lawn can only tolerate low or moderate foot traffic. After reducing the mowing height, inspect the grass. Want to collaborate with us? Use a specific Bermuda grass fertilizer or one that is recommended for warm-season turf as follows: Centipede grass is an excellent option if you live in the Southeast and want a thick lawn that requires minimum care. While this grass may be slightly thirstier than others, Bermuda grass is a pretty hardy turf. However, if you are in a home with children and animals, then its likely that your lawn will get a lot of traffic. Bermudagrass leaves are dark green, dense, and fine-textured, while centipedegrass leaves are wide, yellow-green, and coarse-textured. It would still do well in partial shade, but 6 hours of full sunlight would bring the best out of it. These signs of water stress can show as the fading of the color of grass or it appearing wilted. Centipede and Bermuda grass are both warm-season grasses, but they have different tolerances for heat, drought, traffic, cold, and shade. Although it thrives in USDA zones 7 and 8, centipede grass is a perennial. Unlike corporate website companies who write articles from an office overlooking a major city, the authors on this website live in small towns and regularly use many of the tips and recommendations provided in their own garden and lawn care. Bermuda grass is a perennial warm-season grass that grows well in soils with a pH of between 5.8 to 7.0, and it isnt too picky about the makeup of the dirt. Just like bermuda grass, it thrives in full sun, but it can tolerate shade a bit better than the bermuda (although . Leaf colors range from gray and silver to green. Whichever you choose, what you need to do first is to till the soil. Copyright 2023 Lawn Model | Powered by [Chris Wheeler, Centipede Grass Vs Bermuda Grass (Comparison, Pros & Cons), Pros and cons for Centipede vs Bermuda grass. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. My centipede has a lot of little patches of bermuda and it appears to be spreading. Centipedegrass thrives when the soil temperature is 70oF. It just takes a little know-how about the differences between the two to pick the perfect grass to make your backyard something to be proud of. The main difference between centipede grass and St Augustine is that the Centipede grass is slightly smaller and has pointed ends. Some differences include their origin, uses, leaves, root system, and growing requirements. This will ensure that the roots can easily creep down into your soil. Bermudagrass thrives in well-drained fertile soils of pH 6.5 to 8.0. The main question of homeowners that are planning to have a lawn: What grass should I use? Wanna learn about more types of grass? After majoring in Agriculture at Ohio State University, Simons built up extensive experience over his 10+ years in the industry. Will Centipede grass take over Bermuda? What does Centipede grass look like? Choosing the correct grass can be confusing, but if you get to know your climate and you have assessed your lawn needs, then we can help you figure it out. What is the best grass to overseed centipede? But by mowing it regularly, you can cut off the seed heads that help its propagation (This is of course helpful if youve already covered the lawn and dont want the grass to spread anymore). Bermuda grass is deeply rooted, which allows for rapid growth. Colder climates are not suggested for centipede grass, as extended freezing or frigid temperatures can severely damage the grass. Centipedegrass requires more than 40 inches of rainfall annually. This grass has hairy or sparsely hairy dark green leaf blades that form a dense turf. When the grass is actively growing, it is cut at 3 to 4 inches tall. Doing so will prevent it from taking root in the thatch rather than the soil and being deprived of essential nutrients and minerals. Insects such as ground pearl, mole crickets, spittlebugs, and white grubs are common to centipede grass lawns. So while they thrive in similar climates, they do not work well side by side. Centipede grass requires less maintenance and grows in sandy soil, while Bermuda grass grows quickly, which may mean more mowing for you. Depending on environmental conditions, the grass should be watered by 0.1 to 0.3 inches daily for high-maintenance places like golf courses. The downfall of Bermuda grass is shade and standing water, so you must ensure that your whole lawn is well-drained and in full sun. It needs a slightly acidic growing medium to develop, cannot handle high traffic, and is hardy in zones 7-10. Bermuda will suffer in areas of low light and needs at least 4 hours of sunlight a day. He specializes in lawn care and has helped hundreds of his clients get as close to the perfect lawn as possible. According to Clemson University, you should dethatch once the thatch layer reaches inch thick. BEST BERMUDA GRASS: Scotts Turf Builder Grass . Warm-season grasses generally have a specific period of dormancy, i.e., during the winter. Climate is based on what weather conditions you have where you live. So, the moment youve been waiting for. This species is mainly grown in the Southeast, in USDA hardiness zones 7 to 10 i.e., Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, and the Gulf Coast of Texas. LawnMowerGuru.com, All Rights Reserved. Centipedegrass can quickly wear if exposed to high foot traffic or has excess moisture. Centipede and Bermuda grass are two common turfs that can become stunning lawns in the right circumstances. However, pH levels ranging between 6 and 6.5 are best for it. To keep your turf looking lush and healthy, you should water it properly and apply lawn care techniques. However, if the grass is light green, and the leaves are broad and arranged opposite each other in the stem, that could be centipedegrass. This is by applying soil pH-lowering additives. You can purchase an inexpensive soil test kit (link to Amazon) to ensure the pH levels are appropriate. How Much Sulfur to Apply to Lower My Lawns pH? Most of us love long hot summers, where we can get our vitamin D fix, and enjoy barbecue and pool season to the max.I wish I could say the same for our lawns.Blazing sun, coupled with little Dormant Grass vs Dead Grass How to Tell the Difference & What to Do? See Can You Mulch Centipede Grass? Temperatures at or below 65 Fahrenheit (18 Celsius) may trigger dormancy. You can water your grass only if it shows signs of water stress, especially during drought. Thank you for reading! This grass is slow-growing but low maintenance, requiring half the amount of water per week as many of its competitors. Meanwhile, Bermuda needs a soil temperature of 80oF to grow actively to produce a dense and lush lawn. If your grass gets full sun evenly across your lawn, you can aim for the shorter side of the spectrum, but grass that grows in the shade should be closer to 2 inches (5.08 cm) tall. Light to medium-colored green leaves that grow up to 5 inches long. You wont have to worry about it encroaching on your beautiful flowerbed. Centipede grass and bermuda grass grow in USDA Hardiness Zones 7 to 10. If you live in a hot and constantly sunny area, then Bermuda will grow better for you than Zoysia will. The leaf blades of Bermuda are dense, dark green, and fine-textured, forming a beautiful carpet-like appearance when grown on a lawn. However, it also has long rooting rhizomes that help the grass tolerate drought better than centipede grass. The inflorescence is a purple spikelets raceme. This species of grass is a low and slow grower. Centipede is extremely heated tolerant and its optimal temperature range is 80 95 Fahrenheit (27 35 Celsius). In contrast, centipede grass has a fairly shallow root system. Warm climates are ideal for Centipede grass as it is not tolerant to cold at all and should not be exposed to temperatures until 50 F. If exposed to cold or prolonged shade, your Centipede grass will die quickly. Keep in mind, however, that centipede grass isn't very tolerant of the cold. One will always outcompete the other. So if you live in colder environments, you may need to select another species. Subsequently, it will not grow well in shady areas. Its also low maintenance and is noted for its coarse appearance. Looking at distinct categories of characteristics makes it easier to see the differences between Bermuda grass and centipede grass. Its leaves will turn yellow if it grows in low-iron soil. It is common in parts of Africa, Europe, and Asia. Being a warm-season grass, it has thick and sturdy roots which can withstand varying soil pH. Let us know what you chose and why! Zoysia Grass vs Bermuda Grass Which One is Better for You. One advantage of this feature is that it can outcompete the weeds growing in the lawn. So, how does Centipede and Bermuda grass differ? Then, you can start your centipede grass. Well, it has no problem at all being in hot climates, thats for sure. It should be mowed to heights of 1 to 1 inches. Bermudagrass leaves are dark green, dense, and fine-textured, while centipedegrass leaves are wide, yellow-green, and coarse-textured. When it comes to nitrogen fertilizers, you should only apply a yearly treatment of 0.5 to 1 lb (226.8 to 454 g) of actual nitrogen in the early summer once your lawn turns green. In its early stages, centipede grass becomes vulnerable to weeds. Centipede grass also copes better than Bermuda when the weather is cold, wet, or frosty. It spreads easily via seeds and stolons and forms a thick mat of grass across the lawn. This article is going to get into the nitty-gritty of the differences between Centipede and Bermuda grass and help you figure out which one is best for you. This thrives in full sun. Bermuda grass tolerance for heat is exceptional. Once all the grass is gone, its time to add your new plants. It remains active and throughout the year. Once established in the lawn, Bermuda grass can endure heavy foot traffic while Centipede can only take lighter as it can be harmed easily. Since Centipede grass does badly in the shade, you may want to blend it with another grass that will do well in shady areas. It also features an alternating pattern unlike St Augustine grass. If you are looking for primarily decorative grass that is not used consistently, then Centipede grass is an ideal choice. As a result, it can grow in soils with a pH ranging from 5.8 to 7.0, If your soil is too acidic, you may need to add lime to make it more alkaline. Bermuda grass is resilient, which means that it doesnt have too many pressing needs other than mowing and keeping it trimmed back. Bermuda grass can be planted through seeds, unlike others that are commonly planted via sods. Warm season grass varieties such as Centipede, Zoysia, and Bermuda all thrive in full sun, while there are select warm season varieties that can survive in as little as 4 hours of sunlight per day, such as Leisure Time Zoysia. The very best varieties of warm-season grass need to tick all the right boxes. You can apply powdered or pelletized iron to your lawn in the spring or summer to correct it. When using sod, cover your lawn with it, ensuring that the strips sides meet and that the ends of the material are staggered. Bermuda grass prefers nutritious soils of sand or clay with a higher pH compared to those required for centipede lawns. Read on! Heres The Truth! In the presence of drought, it will go dormant but will spring to life again as soon as watering or rainfall commences. Its the perfect temperature to overseed its grass seeds. Planting centipede grass involved a fair amount of labor but once its already established, it then only needs little maintenance. So while they thrive in similar climates, they do not work well side by side. Centipedegrass doesn't require regular mowing because of its slow growth. They can be bought cheaply from nurseries and installed by yourself at home. Contact the AZ Animals editorial team. I thought centipede would keep bermuda grass . Bermuda grass requires more attention compared to centipede grass. However, the blades can reach up to 6 inches in length. This lack of dormancy is dangerous to the plant if exposed to a cold winter climate. We do not specifically market to children under 13. This grass is native to China and southern Asia. It is actually listed as an invasive grass in Puerto Rico! Centipede grass is easy to plant from either seeds, sod, or plugs. Which is better, Bermuda grass or centipede grass? So they are commonly found gracing lawns in the southern United States. The Big Freeze! While the exact dates are uncertain, it is said to have been brought to the US in the 1800s. Its leaf blades are 15 to 30 mm long, coarse-textured, and yellow-green. Its deep blue-green color and hardy drought tolerance make it an alluring turfgrass choice for homeowners. We suggest using St Augustine grass, which survives well without full sun. Bermuda grass is a dark green species of grass that thrives in warmer regions of the United States and is often featured on golf courses throughout the region. Can handle drought and colder temperatures. However, if you can see your footprints, you need to water your lawn (source). Meanwhile, it propagates through its stolons and rhizomes that are continuously creeping on and beneath the ground. Once you plant Bermuda grass, you're committed to this type of sod. It should be provided with 6 inches of water following which it should be left until its leaves start to curl and footprints become more pronounced on the turf. If youre unsure of how to determine when your grass needs water, there are several methods you can use. The only way you can go wrong on this one is if youll give it too much water. Its prime soil conditions are high in potassium and iron yet low in phosphorus. It is also widely used in Kansas and is presently gaining widespread acceptance in Missouri. We also have other mowing tips for you to try. Bermuda Grass vs. Centipede Grass: Growing Requirements. So, let's weigh out the pros and cons: Centipede Grass Pros Both types of grass are invasive in nature, so mixing the two will not be efficient. I like to think of myself as the Bond of the backyard, that is if yard work ever became sexy. The joint growth of these two allows the grass to quickly spread and cover patches on the lawn. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Bermuda grass is drought resistant, but it grows best when you water it twice a week, aiming for 1 inch (2.54 cm) of water a week (source). Centipede and Bermuda grass are two popular perennial lawn grass types for warm climates, but they have some key differences. Its ligule has white hairs, while the seedhead produces finger-shaped spikelets of 3 to 6 spikes. Its also capable of recovering quickly in case of damage. Suppose the grass discolors and wilts its leaves during summer; water it deeply to help it recover from the stress. Bermuda is also drought and heat tolerant, making it ideal for Southern yards. Of grass across the lawn grass to quickly spread and cover patches the! The cold from the stress to plant from either seeds, sod, or.... China and southern Asia actively growing, it propagates through its stolons and forms thick! Features an alternating pattern unlike St Augustine grass planted via sods centipedegrass doesn & # ;. To this type of grass depends on how fast you want a thicker, green!, sprigs, and yellow-green thrives in sandy soil, while centipedegrass leaves are wide, yellow-green and! 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