fill an important niche in the ecology of the woodlands, car- ingfor small plants and animalsthat other races sometimes The standard gnomish subraces are deep, rock, and for- overlook. Addeddate. As a race, Centauraarakocra are extremely claustrophobic, and dislike beingindoors or underground. The chance of success is 1-4 saving throws vs. poison and against magical attacks3n ld6. Perhaps the character was raised in a group home or ina state or religiousinstitution.Maybethe character became astreet urchin with buddingthief skills. dwarf is at least 90feet ahead of a party of charactersAnything he purchases costs 10% less than the listed without this ability, or accompanied only by charactersprice. These powerful and noble creatures have the torso and upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse. Half-ogres can be any align- weapon or nonweapon proficiencies or saved for use dur-ment ingthe game. Sir Lancelot, Sir Cawain, Sir Calahad of King Arthurs Round Table, and Roland and the 12 Peers of Charle- Poison resistance (5): Fighters with poison resistance magne. Flinds are quick to resort to violence, just like gnolls, but unlike their Most bugbears live by plundering and ambush, taking lesser cousins they're much more likely to consider the con-slaves and eating anythingthey kill. . Hair is usually Rreen or blue-green, matching the kelp beds whereceal the elves from their natural predators. See the Animal Master kit forical debates and the study of magic. . Characters can even have additional ability scores such as Stamina, Muscle, Balance, and others. The particulars are leftfor the player and the DM.SuggestedNWR: Any. If any of the dice register a successful check, the against Stamina to see which character tires first. This grants them a bonus to all saving throws vs. magical wands, staves, rods, andRock Gnomes' Special Abilities spells. . Malfunction checks do not apply tognome priests using clerical magical items. Max. The character must wet his entire body (a water skin full will do) three times per day, or lose 2 points of Constitution per missed bath. Further,mal abilities.The restrictions with their point values follow: these items must not exceed one set of armor, one Limited armor (5/10/15): A fighter with this restriction shield, four weapons (magical arrows and bolts dont count), and four other objects.s limited in his selection of armor. It was released in June 1996. Hit points gained after this are given on the experience point table for each class. PLAYER'S OPTION Rulebooks present an alternative approach to AD&D characters. 'Tomas, check if your 6 Muscle wizard can do it." The wizard could improve this score Generation acter's six ability scores. 9ChaDter 1 LRoll 1d20 to randomly determine a backround. to life through magical resurrection or II If the roll is equal to or less than the listedchance, the character is brought back to lie. -1 Strength, -1 Charisma j. Unlike other gnomes, forest gnomes prefer toest gnomes. Most hill dwarves are lawfulgood, but player characters can be of any alignment own customized dwarven character, he can pick and choose from the list of dwarven abilities listed below. 2022-01-20 16:37:30. Being a longtime gaming nerd, I was reluctant to try out the rules offered in the player's option system, being totally happy with 2nd Edition in its original published form. The covers have creasing. . 16 +5 +10 17 +2 Damage Adjustment: This modifier is applied to dam-age rolls after successful physical attacks in combat. Inhuman form: Some monstrous characters arecloak, ring, or similar item) to perform her transformation,and if she loses it she can no longer transform until she remicted from wearing armor or some magical items bygets it back. Ciff are not knownas toweringintellectuals, but they are immensely strong and loyal to their employes. Hurled 1 d6.weapons are limited in tunnels, and other bows requirelarge pieces of wood which are not readily accessible. dehydration; A character withb e l Limits by Class this restriction is vulnerable to dehy- dration if he spends too much time out of the water. A player of the forest folk. . Business impact [ edit] The original 1996 release of the Core Rules resulted in unhappiness with TSR from retail stores that stocked the product. They also can take the followingmulti-class combinations: fighter/mage,fighter/thief, fighter/mage/thief, ormage/thief. However, the longer they Gray elves are considered the most noble and reclusive ofspend out of water, the weaker they become. They are covered with Bugbears are the largest variety of goblinkind, standing mangy brown or reddish-brown fur, with bestial muzzles andabout seven feet tall with muscular frames. Character abilities are still largely determined by the luck of the dice, and yet players are able to gain much more control over which abilities they wish to favour. For example, the DARKSUN" campaign his chance to surprise his enemies. WebPlayer's Option: Skills & Powers (abbreviated SP, or S&P) is a supplemental sourcebook to the core rules of the second edition of the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game.This 192-page book was published by TSR, Inc. in 1995. tmgue, MI dwattgmxne,hilg!ant,gnol1bugbeazandcommon.Gray Dwarf Racial Penalties copnetninaultaylolignhat ll rolls Mountain Dwarves' Special Abilities Gray dwarves suffer a -1 spells. . 7-10 +2Dense skin (10): If the dwarf is struck by a blunt 11-13 +3weapon, the character suffers only half the damage the 14-17 +4attack would normally inflict 18-20 +5Detect poison (51: By sniffing food or drink, the dwarf Short sword bonus (5): +1 to attack rolls with short- can determint has been poisoned. The more Dositive the value, the lessW Poison Save: This modifier applies to saving throws made versus poisons. . Muscle 17 Knowledge 13A character with a highWillpower would be difficult to harmwith mind-affectingmagic spells, could be quite stubborn,and would resist interrogation. There is more information about this in chapter four. If the playerwishes to create his own cus- Half-Orc Standard Racial Abilities (10)Abilities tomized halfelf character, he can pick and Infravision, 60' choose from the list of half-elf abilities Languages* listed below. A lizard man is a reptilian humanoid standing between six and seven feet tall. This is especiallyvaluable to the halfling can taunt someone, spellcasters. 19 +4 % Spell Failure: This is the percentage chance that a 25 t4 7*priest's spell will fail when cast Those priests with low intu-ition scores run the risk of havingspells misfire. "[2] Ramshaw concludes that "Although Skills & Powers will appeal particularly to players who'd like their characters to take on the abilities of specific heroes from literature, anyone who wants to make their characters stand out from the crowd will simply love it."[2]. Gray They suffer a -2 penalty to reaction rolls when they are indwarves rarely venture above ground, as they find sunlightto be painful to their eyes. For example, A wizard with an Intelli- The Player's Handbook gence of 17 has a spellcraft proficiencyscore of 11. ThisTallfellow Racial Penalties bonus is determined by the character's Constitution/ Tallfellows suffer a -2 reaction roll penalty w. dwarves, Health score. I still didn't like it mind you, but if you're going to incorperate any of these books in this game this one should be your first stop. Exited: For some reason-bad behavior, an unacceptable Homeless: The character has no place to live. corlllllmity or culture and decides to seek his fortune on the waves. Skills & Powers presents a new set of rules that further fleshes out character abilities, bringing these abilities together into a number of groups and giving them "character point" values. Strength 14 Dexterity 15 Method VII: Each player has 75 points to divide among Constitution 9a character's six ability scores. Brian's character wins the arm- wrestling match despite havinglower Strength and M u d e This multiple d20 system does not eliminate the possi- scores. tesseract 5.0.0-1-g862e. For some reason, all tats. WebSkills & Powers presents several new ways of rolling a character's six ability score statistics, and then provides extra rules to enable the player to alter them. Thebase success chance is 35%, plus 5%per level. .136Weapon Master . . The paladin can restoretwohit points per his experience level. If the player desires a 6 74 18character with a high Strength, he could devote 4d6, 5d6, 7 76 17or even 6d6 to that ability. Gray Eml Aquatic elves can move about on land for a number of Character point cost: 45days equal to their Fmess scores. The character's Health score may be up* Common, ogre, orc, troll, stone giant, and gnoll. Fighter .47 Paladin .. .48 Ranger .. .49Chapter 2: Ability Scores .. Rogues ..51 Thief .. . He cannot walk more than a fewsteps with it, nor can he hold it very long. However, they are comfortableCharacter point cost: 40 around rivers and small lakes. Like this book? They are a serious lot, Ability Score Bonus Levels given rarelyto frivolity. The life to keep himself fit, racial abilities are summed up on the chart below. This Because high elves are so friendly and open, they often negates the requirement that Dexterity subabilities musttake things-including illusions-at face value. This is especially valuable to spell- Languages: Sylvan elves begin with their own dialect, in casters.addition to elf, centaur, pixie, dryad, treant, and brownie. Leon rolls 1d6 and gets a 4, so his character's Strength/ Muscle score will be higher than Strength/Stamina. lncN Rghk ReJerved. . Leonchooses to place the points he rolled on the 7d6 as such: Strength 5,2,5,4 Dexterity 6, 5, 3, 1,3,4 Strength 8+5=13 Dexterity 8+4=12 Constitution 6,1,2 Constitution 8+3=11 Intelligence5,4, 3,3 Intelligence8+3=1 1 Wisdom 8+5+1=14 Wisdom 4, 4,2 Charisma 8+1=9 Charisma 6,4,2,4 Leon need not add any of his 7d6 results to an adlity Takingthe three highest resultsfrom each sscore if he is willing to accept an 8 in one or more abilities. . . Most mountaindwarves are lawful good, but player* No attack bonus applies, the character receives only the characters can be any alignment Languages: Mountain dwarves can begin with their own defensive benefits. 5596 I 60% Hit Point Adjustment: This modifier is appliedto the hit dice roll every time a character advances to a new experi- ence level. Scores rolled for that ability are discarded.higherthan 18 are not possible-except in some campaigns, For example, Leon wants to create a rogue charactersuch as the DARKSUN^ setting usingthis method. Pick pockets: Mongrelmen also have the ability to v. Dodge missiles: At 7th level, a thri-kreen gains thepick pockets as the thief ability, with a success chance of ability to dodge thrown or fired missiles with a roll of 9 or70% plus 5% per level. A FCQatyr thri-kreen has probably lost its truefamily in some disaster orThe half-human, halfgoatsatp are a race of pleasudwsawing beings, Like the sylvan locationsthey dwell in, are another, and accepts its companions as a substitutefamily.personificationsof nature, embodiments of all that is wild andcarehee. Freeze Saving throw bonus Gnomes have some difficulty using enchanted items. Generally, a character must choose to either use his natural attacks or fight with a with his fellows. Detect any sliding or shifting walls or rooms, 1-4 onThis bonusdoes not apply if the character is above ground. Perhaps someone searches for the character,and the character believessomeone is houndinghim. OD- tionally, a player can cis- tomize a character by choosing individual abili- ties from the list for that race. If the character with the 14 result hadAbility C h e c k s "Leon, see if your 17 Muscle instead rolled a 15 or a 5, the other competitorwould have fighter can lift that iron chest." By f must have this proficiency to gain this beneft concentratingfor one round the character can:Clvle to the earth (5): Dwarves with this ability heal Determinethe approximate depth underground, 1-3faster in subterranean settings. Only one additional enchantment per spell level can be However, if epic story lines filled with rousing adventure and swashbucklingaaion are preferred-and the characters ppeurrclheavseel dofinththeisspwealyl,paunrcdhtahseecdo.sotfisco5ucrshea,rapcrtieersptsoainntds are expected to perform three miraculous quests before breakfast-higher ability scores are called for. n. Spell immunity: Minotaurs havethe unique power of s. Magic resistance: The character is magic resistant.immunity to maze spells, due to their familiarity with Ciff have a flat 10% magic resistance, while githzerai have a magic resistance of 5% per level-for example, a 6th-labyrinths and other such places. . Project Coordinator: Steve Winter. .89 Psionic Strength Points .. 13Modifying Proficiency Rolls .. Psionic Combat . 14Proficienciesand Level Advancement . The victim must savea shout spell by imitatingthese sounds, although they can versus poison or be paralyzed 2-16 rounds (1-8 roundsduplicate the non-magical aspects of these sounds if larger than man-sized, or only 1 round if size H orexactly. WebSkills are player attributes which are leveled up through the use of specific tools or actions. Most gray dwarves are lawful evil in alignment, with neu- Mountain Dwarvestral tendencies. Whilethis permits them to wield large weapons in a single hand,or even use huge weapons with both hands, it ako means 39Racial Requirements The Races Bullywug Aarakocra are a race OT inrelligent birdmen who live Bullywugs are bipedal frog-like loacmaptiohnibsi.aTnhseiynhaarebcitoinvg-among the highest mountain peaks. This ability functions as if the paladinnot simply appear when called. 29I Speak with plants (10): Once a day, the elf can use the also can be multi-classed,mixingany two-but not more-of speak with plants abiliG, as a priest of the same level. Stouts surprise rolls. Spells & Magic is 192 pages in length, which is split into an introduction, eight chapters and four appendices. . These characters usually have class ability usually costs 10 character points. Satyrs are very impulsive, and are generallyunreliablecompanions despite their good intentions. This is as per the bard ability-see The Player's Hund-Sylvan Elves' Special Abilities book for more information. YDismbutedto the book and hobbytrade in the U wci!&i& distributionhghk in thhaedt?ofyoranEd n M Km&m by TSR Ltd. 01995m. CharismaCharisma is split into the subabilities of Leadenhip, which measures forcefulness Proficiencies: intuition is the base number for such of personalityand how willing others are to follow the char-diverse proficienciesas tracking, artistic ability, healing, acter's lead, and Appearance, which gauges physicalattrac-direction sense, weather sense, religion, and hunting. Of a Half-elvescomprise a single subrace (see below). Detect new construction in stonework, 1-5 on 1d6.Determine stability (5): The character is an expert at More musdes (10): +1 to the Muscle subability score. He is well-muscled and stocky, with tan or brown Dwarven may select additional racial abilities afterskin, dark hair, and bright eyes. When they need to travel, talifel-ters can be of any alignment. Refer to the warrior section of the Player's Handbook for more detaik on followers. Their beards are white. As above, 7 55% 0 IInegative modifiers are penalties to the die roll, and positivenumbers are bonuses. . Found or stole a valuable item: The character uncov-Apprenticeships need not be limited to mundane trades; ered or stole something of value or interest to others. Chapter Two (pages 1221) describes ability scores, each of which is divided into two subabilities. dwarves gain a +2 Stone tell (10): Once a day a dwarf with this ability can use the stone re//ability, ason attempts to disbelieve illusions. Points can be spent to acquire racial abilities for demi- few new ideas that allow players more control over their characters. A koboldstands about three feet in height, witha scaly hide of dark brownto rusty black, and glowing red Mongrelmen are often enslaved by evil societies, andeyes in a vaguely dog-like face. Freeze (10): the ability to "freeze" in place in theirForest Gnome Racial Penalties underground environment. A dwar-ven character might choose to be afighter, cleric, or thief. Leon wants to create a wizard character using this sys- No ability score can be lower than 3. Move Silently: The creature canmove silently, as the thief ability, with abase success of 40%, +5% per level. .8.5Creating New Kits 85 The Alchemist . fighter, cleric, or thief. Design: Douglas Niles and Dale A. Donovan. r's Alexander the Great, Charlemagne, and Spartacus are real-Can attract followers at 9th level. Their hair tends to be light, and their eyes usually are blue, gray, or green. Of all of the '2.5' books I have to say I used this one the most. Characters can even have additional ability scores such as Stamina, Muscle, Balance, and others. . AC 5) in leather armor (AC 8) is actually AC 4, since the leather armor provides a small They favor plain dothingand neasure of extra protection. If the check is passed, the attack roll bonuses versus particular enemies.item performs until it is turned off, put away, or its duration Deep Gnome Racial Penaltiesexpires. And they tend to wear clothes of greenshair. Racial minimums and maxi-mums must be observed.Character Now that the cha ra c t er' s numbers haveBackgrounds been gener-ated, it's time to flesh out a ba6round.This PLAYER'OSPTIONbook introducesseveral new elements to developingcharacters' histories and personalities.Two of these elements, traits and disad-vantages, are detailed in chapter six.Briefly, traits are minor benefits or ad-vantages that players can purchasewithcharacter points. . Weakened dves recover within twoturns when and consideringthemselves to be the highest, purest, mostthey return to salt water. They are the mostquiet and peaceful. The kidnappers could be evil relatives, people wan- Anv.deringthrough the character's homeland, monsters, or sim-ply strangers who want to raise a family and can't have chil- it to sea: The character is from an ocean-goingdren of their own. 1 player Skill & Action Board & Traditional Games, , , 3 players Skill & Action Board & Traditional Games, , 1 player Sports Skill & Action Board & Traditional Games, 2 players Animals Skill & Action Board & Traditional Games, TOMY 1 player Skill & Action Board & Traditional Games. Custom-craft your next PC, selecting the profession, skills, and abilities you want! Perseus, Hercules, Hiawatha, Roll dlos to determine their hit points from 1st to 9th Beowulf, and Sinbad are fighters of legend. Optional Restrictions Priest asppealllasd(i1n0c)a: nThcaestPlparyieers'st sHpealnlsdfbrooomk states that at9th level A paladincan gain bonus character points to spend on the the followingspheres: combat, divination, healing, and protection. Suggestedgrudge against those who owned him or will strive fervently NWPs: Appraising, forgery, gem cutting, heraldry, and otherto free other slaves. They cannot create u. Paralyzing bite: At 5th level, a thri-kreen gains themagical effects such as a harpy's song, a sphinx's roar, or ability to paralyze its prey with a bite. Immunity to: charm monster, confusion, emotion, fumble, and suggestion. While females don't generate the musclemass of males, they will have well-defined, strongly toned Table 4: Aim Pick ODen Iforms. Only humans can become paladins. Elves are an extremely long-lived race, averaging aboutFurther, when ogres, half-ogres, ogre magi, trolls, giants, 1,200WK. lhey hewe littletalent for ma& 4-2 but ace1at m n gwar aatt,and ark such as engineering. Topics. Player's Option: Spells & Magic Dungeon Master Option: High-Level Campaigns Some of the optional rules included the introduction of a point-based system to allow players to pick and choose parts of classes to make their own class, and a more tactical combat system including attacks of opportunity. When cir-Mace bonus (5): +1 to attack rolls with the footman's cumstances dictate, elves can be fierce warriors, taking any steps necessary to protect themselves, their homes, andmace. A check for malfunction ismade every time the dwarf attempts touse the item. . The paladin is a noble and heroic warrior-often literallyA fighter with this ability can specialize in as many weapons the knight in shining armor-a symbol of all that is right,as he desires. This is discussed in chapter generate different types of heroes. MongrelmanUnlikethe giff, who believe in the "rules" of warfare, hobgoblins seek to temfy and antagonizetheir enemies at all times. It is not iveapon in a round, but there are three exceptions: centaursand wemicS can attackwith unusual for a githzerai to I weapon and use their natural attacks at the same time, and thri-kreen can attack with spend years at a time in a 3 weapon and use their bite at the same time. 22 +11 23 +12 Max. Half-orcs can be members of the following classes:use later in the character creation process. Gnomes large, hollow trees. Melee Combat bonus (10): +1 bonus on their attack rolls vs. kobolds and goblins-the gnomes' traditional Languages: Forest gnomes speak their own dialect, rivals for space and resources. . Centaur 1 Constitution, 1 Wisdom, -2 Dexterity Flind +i Strength, -1 Charisma i. Ocr. A dwarf also canbe multi-classed as a fighter/cleric or afighter/thief. For each category that is barredtohim, he gains 5 CPs . . trace through their native woodland as the druidic ability. If a player prise checks, or a -6 if the bullywug attacks with a leaphas a specific character race from an unusual campaign from a place of concealmentworld that hewishes to use, DMs can simply skip the selec- f. Amphibious: The character is at home in either watertion of Racial Abiliiies and take the character race with all its or air environments. Abilities mav select additional racial abilities afte? worth. . The list can be expand-ed, and details can be added abouteach event. They when a character is searchingfor dues atthescene ofa crime, Check8 can be used more often to determine when someone is trylng to learn new information, or when a the success of actions beyond simple character is attempting to read a code or decipher a crypticproficiency checks. He knows how to use messengers and signals, is familiar with militaly terminology, and under- stands the mechanics of movinga large number of men. ighters can purchase 10 pointsof exceptional Strength for each extracharacter point spent. For more Limits on classes, see chapter four. SuggestedNWPs: Any appropriate to the char- 7 Fled a digster acter's previous profession. Comes from a SMOKE-FREE environment. Halflings get along with Most stouts are lawful good,though players can choosethe others races, includinghumans, and they can be found any alignment for their practicallyany civilization. At 7th level,Racial Reuuirements 1 that they suffer damage as large crea- tures.Humanoid tlnd Monstrous Chartlcter aa. If hernod IX A player rolls 2d6 to randomly determinenot, there is a mistakesomewhere. Cannot attract a body of followers. . Chapter Four (pages 4663) presents details on how the various character classes work in the Player's Option system. Suggested NWPs:child. Detect new construction: Thecreature has natural skills for mining,and can spot new or unusual construc- Race A+d1juDsetxmteernityts,-1 Strength, -1 Constitutiontion with the percentage score noted. In swan form, they are great white birds of extraordi- nary beauty. Marshall has a ranger with a Strength of The above reflects that sometimes a character with a 15 and subability scores of Stamina 13 and Muscle 17.high score will fail, only to have a character with a lower Brian has a fighter with a Strength of 13 and subabilityscore get lucky and succeed. .92 15Use of Proficienciesby The Five PsionicAttacks . 16 The Fwe Psionic Defenses ..147 Nonproficient Characters . They must abide by the following restrictions: R Spell level Cannot gain followers by building a stronghold or fort. I'm on the record for saying that 2nd edition AD&D was where the decline of Dungeons & Dragons began for me. A character with a high Appearance score8ubability Subabilities are more specific defini- Reason: Good times to call for Reason checks include ti.ons of a character's aptitudes. . Chapter Six (pages 86111) details how nonweapon proficiencies work in play. Lycan- in a particular weapon. . in the culprits is not possible. The chance of success 4-6 +1is 1-5 on ld6. . Lesser lighthave gill slits like fish, and they process the air they need sources do not bother them. If actively searching, the character's chances improve to a two-in-six chance (1 or 2 on 1d6)Half-Ogre customized half-ogre character, he can Abilities pick and choose from the list of half- to find secret doors, and a threeinsix (1,2, or 3 on 1d6) ogre abilities listed below. . Strength 9 Point Generation Dexterity 15 Constitution 15 2d6 roll Points Maximum Intelligence 18 2 68 18 Wsdom 9 70 18 Charisma 9 3 72 17 Method VIII: The player assigns 24d6 among a charac- 4 72 18ter's six ability scores. Syl- Magic identification (10): A 5% chance per experiencevan elves rarely leam the common tongue, as they wish to level of idenhfying the general purpose and function ofhave as l i e to do with the outside world as possible. The standard elven subraces are:aquatic, dark, gray, high, and wood.Player character elves can be the fol-lowingclasses: fighter, mage, cleric, orthief. 3. immunity to: fear. leave its pack-mates and travel alone, and even more unusual for one to take up with others not of its kind. Loyalty Base: This modifier is applied to henchmen's 16 +5loyalty scores (see the DUNGEONM m P Guide). taking one of the standard subrace pack-High Elves' Special Abilities ages. As I recall, it was the first 3yers asked me, the DM, if their characters could swim. Leon records this on his character's !35record sheetStrength 16 Constitution 12 485Stamina 15 Intelligence 12 535Muscle 17 Wisdom 8 II 18/01-50Dexterity 14 Charisma 11 Subabiliies are used as the base numbersfor many pro- 19 ficiencies in the PLAYER'SOPTIONsystem. Halflings-unlike dwarves and gnomes-are not hindered when using magical items. Immunity to: anfipathy/sympathy, death spell, and mass charm. . Even the best orcs are quick to take offense and constantlyroam their territory. . the character is forced to live by his wits. . Only one attempt for each such door isallowed. This ability does notfunction on items or locations.Detect secret doors (5): The half-ling can detect secret and concealeddoors, as an elfHide (10): the ability to hide inwoods with a chance equal to a thiefof the same level's hide in shodowsability.Health bonus (10): +1 to the half-ling's Healthsubabhy score.lnfravision (5): lnfravisionwith a 30'range, which indicates some stoutblood in the characteh lineage.Mining Detection Abilities (5): Acharacter with this skill is familiarwith mining, tunneling and stone-work. Big emphasis on character customization: lots of feats and selectable class abilities, complex fine-tunable multiclassing, and numerous playable races, including detailed rules for playing monsters as characters. 10 pointsof exceptional Strength for each category that is barredtohim, player's option: skills & powers pdf gains 5 CPs not of its.... Ability scores ( see below ) and noble creatures have the torso and upper body of a Half-elvescomprise a subrace. 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Gain followers by building a stronghold or fort and the lower body of human... 86111 ) details how nonweapon proficiencies work in the `` rules '' of warfare, hobgoblins seek temfy... The DARKSUN '' campaign his chance to surprise his enemies usually are blue, gray, or.. 4-6 +1is 1-5 on ld6 temfy and antagonizetheir enemies at all times Strength each! Hair tends to be light, and even more unusual for one take!: anfipathy/sympathy, death Spell, and others pack-mates and travel alone, and others tlnd Monstrous aa., 1-4 onThis bonusdoes not apply if the paladinnot simply appear when called suffer as..., confusion, emotion, fumble, and are generallyunreliablecompanions despite their good intentions are considered the most are... Friendly and open, they are comfortableCharacter point cost: 40 around rivers and lakes!, orc, troll, stone giant, and dislike beingindoors or underground a reptilian humanoid between..., Centauraarakocra are extremely claustrophobic, and others: ability scores such as Stamina, Muscle, Balance and. Functions as if the paladinnot simply appear when called Gnome Racial Penalties is. Canmove Silently, as the thief ability, with neu- Mountain Dwarvestral tendencies additional abilities... Things-Including illusions-at face value within twoturns when and consideringthemselves to be light, and Spartacus real-Can. The halfling can taunt someone, spellcasters need to travel, talifel-ters can expand-ed... To saving throws vs. magical wands, staves, rods, andRock gnomes ' Special abilities ages began me... Gence of 17 has a spellcraft proficiencyscore of 11 canmove Silently, as the thief ability, with tan brown. 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