1957 collision over pacoima

This scene was horrific seeing your classmates injured and scared. I was 12 and I played guitar. Today I fly, I am a pilot, but I remember. Ah, the good old days. I was amazed to run across your recording of the sounds of that tragic day. I heard the screaming sound of the DC-7 coming in and caught a glimpse of things falling from the sky followed by a floor shaking explosion and flash of light. I was in kindergarten at Terra Bella School. did someone set them off or? I remember, we used to have drop drills at Beachy Elementary often. I was hoping someone would tell me what they remember. The sky that direction was filled with an expanding ball of metal and debris. Thanks again . I looked up into the sky towards Pacoima Jr. High. HI Russ From one Poly High alum to another: Thanks for your perspective on that day. I think there was a lot of heroism on that day, but few names have been mentioned. Even though I never met Evan, I grew up hearing about what happened. All three of the boys were considerably younger than he, but its certainly possible. I was young and that is all I know. Joseph, I knew your great uncle, Vito Galasso. I suppose he planned to use the tape to help critique the performances in preparation for the coming real graduation for the parents. I was just a baby living in Pacoima at the time on Cedros Ave. Having not heard of this terrible event until now, it makes me wonder if it was the incentive for my parents to move us away from Pacoima in 1958. to tell us that our father, William (Bill) Carr had died in a plane crash. As a student there I always felt a reverence for those who were injured and killed. Is that true? locker rooms, I started searching for our dad. My brother was in the auditorium for graduation ceremonies, I was in the 4th grade on the playground for recess. My sister was in the 6th grade at Terra Bella school and was quite traumatized. Scared the crap out of everyone. The heat from the 100 foot tall flames to my right were hotter than the oil I was laying in. I hope your visit back to the homeland proves to be a great time. If youre asking for permission to post a link to my site on your Facebook page or on any page, for that matter sure. Three students and . Russ Ive read this from your website and only now listened to the recording My God.. I was 9 yrs old and my brother was 11 yrs old, students at Canyon Elementary School, and my mother, Margaret Eck Carr, came to Canyon Elementary shortly after she heard the news on T.V. She scooped me up and put me in the backseat of the car. You reminded me that my sister, who happened to be at the P.E. There was a huge part of the plane lying in the small church parking lot that bordered the east side, To the west, several of the elementary bungalows that skirted the playing field, mine included, were pocked with gaping holes where debris had torn through the fence and into the rooms.. A boy, his hair covered in hot oil, walked blindly along the fence. How odd and frightening that you too forgot your coat on the gym field that awful day. Thank you, As I wrote above, he almost never spoke of the disaster. Within minutes we knew that it had been an airplane that crashed into Pacoima Jr. High School. The sky was sprinkled with what looked like silver paper fluttering over our heads. Meanwhile, in Palmdale to the north . The grad speaker on the tape, Linda Latrelle is a good friend of my sisterinlalw. Ill tell her you said hello. The windows of our classroom faced north and provided a nearly unobstructed view of the events. After my capture, I was taken into an office and told to wait. We drove home in silence. For some reason I stopped running and put my head down on the back of the portable bleachers. I am now teaching disaster response to emergency services and, with your permission, would like to utilize the recording in my classes. Nice to think that the recording Russells dad made will be used this way:-). It also included interviews with people who were witnesses and/or affected by the crash. Hi Jerry Wish I could help you contact Monk, but all I know about him is that he submitted this piece a few years ago and he agreed to let me post it. He probably took the reel of tape directly from Pacoima to his gig at the station that day for broadcast. It could have been much, much more tragic. They are very much appreciated. Hundreds of mothers in the neighborhood were also running toward the school, all of them screaming as we all descended on the horrible sight. Hope all is well, you can send me email or face book, maybe we can compare life stories! The post Changes Everything appeared first on The Nation. As for the students, I remember Craig Bentley, Suzanne Maltz (vaguely rings a bell), Dennis Liff and Jim Roubal. Thanks, Russ, for sharing all of this amazing material. Yeah, haunting is right. Is was crazy. Ill tell her you said hello. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 Where are the pictures of this event? I was in Drafting class next to the gymnasium and was knocked off my stool by the crash. Regarding dangerous test flights: As I understand it, Pacoima parents spearheaded a successful drive to enact legislation banning future test flights over densely populated areas. Russ, I have put text to your audio file into an mp4. But he NEVER complains or asks why me?This recording is riveting. Hi Phyllis Thank you for complimenting my youthful selfs social skills. Our scenario was crop duster versus military troop transport. That so many of the witnesses were kids, with limited life experience to draw from or compare to, probably made the tragedy all the more affecting. I havent seen it in years. I read every word from every poster and I feel as if I know you. Look in your email I wrote you. I recall that some kids were having some twisted fun at Craig Bentleys expense, spreading rumors that he had been intimate with a tree. She mentioned a couple of children by name (sadly I made no note of them). Most Fire and Police Departments, and EMS agencies have adopted post incident stress debriefing or counseling programs (late 1970s). I really liked him a lot. I appreciated your comments. Pacoima Jr. High School Airplane Crash of 1957 (audio recording as it happened) Photos accident date: 31-01-1957 type: Douglas DC-7B registration: N8210H Map This information is not presented as the Flight Safety Foundation or the Aviation Safety Network's opinion as to the cause of the accident. How do you know youre having a horrible experience? If your husband decides to listen to it, I hope it helps. I looked up and there were gigantic waves of flames in the field directly next to my classroom. EveRuth ing was out of control..we ran out of building aND witnessed a devastating scene. The Eight Victims of the Mid-Air Collision and Crash in Pacoima Jan. 31, 1957 Jan. 5, 2013-- On Thursday, Jan. 31, 1957, at about 10:15 a.m. on a clear, sunny morning in Southern California, a Douglas DC-7B airplane, built by the Douglas Aircraft Company, took off from Santa Monica Airport on its first test flight.The aircraft was intended for delivery to Continental Airlines, and had already . .Am here after listening to Dearly Departed Episode #21 (time mark 01:41:48) where this incident is discussedThe recording is incredible. Im glad everything went well with your studies. Im sure you know that your dad has been commended by many for his heroic action during his final moments, guiding the airplane toward the small swath of green that was the gym field thereby avoiding the surrounding classrooms and residential areas. I was 18 years old when this crash took place. Both jets and the DC-7B were performing their individual tests at an altitude of 25,000 feet (7,600m) in clear skies over the San Fernando Valley when, at about 11:18a.m., a high-speed, near-head-on midair collision occurred. Terry Brown (916)364 0440). INCLUDING MY BROTHER AND I, WE WERE IN THE AUDITORIUM, HE WAS GRADUATING AND I WAS IN B-9. But still, Im pretty darned sure I did see it. Years later when the movie La Bamba came out in 1987, my mother called me and said I had to go see it. So maybe your dad did distribute copies to all the other Jr. High Schools. Mary Jo (and Kathy) Losso. Anyway after school mom would drive us all over to Joyces house to pick her up for babysitting. One of three students. If you would like to help Terry fill in the blank spots in his memory, just write a comment on this page to that effect and I will pass the info along to Terry. He was serious about educating his students and always had a very classy demeanor. We had moved to Pacoima at the beginning of the school year. You lived on Van Nuys Blvd. My parents were friends with Evan Elsners parents, and we stayed at their Pacoima house several times in the years following the tragedy. Russ, I just tried again and was able to play the clip with no trouble. She said she didnt know but it must have been something really horrible. Your assessment of the situation at the school directly after the crash is chilling and sad. I am 73 yrs old now and live in Tulsa,Okla. The impact tossed me through the air and I landed in a hot smoking oil slick. He lived just a couple of streets over from where we lived. The fighter jet's pilot, Roland E. Owen, died when the aircraft plummeted in flames into La Tuna Canyon in the Verdugo Mountains. I looked at the newspaper page showing the pictures of those of us who were injured and saw mine and his. Someone told me at the time that the pilot never ejected, but stayed in the plane and flew in to the field on purpose to avoid nearby houses. Oh, my. Ill go check out Mayday. Sounds like a good idea. I do remember seeing shiny pieces of metal falling from the sky, though. Yeah, Ill bet it seemed longer. In 1957 a mid air collision over Pacoima Junior High killed 5 crew members, 3 children and injured 78. If you dont mind, Id like to include a link to your site on my Pacoima page. On that day I was in 4th grade and in my classroom when we all heard the DC-7. The comments here show how deeply etched that day is in so many peoples memories. A part of the plane actually did land in the middle of the church, but no one was hurt. Lana(Brosamle) Hale. Linda made another speech that day. As I lost view of the plane, a few seconds later I saw a huge ball of flames and black smoke rise into the air. Though you were born many years after the Pacoima tragedy and live half a world away, the depth of your concern for the victims shows there is hope for our species yet. Yes, not only do people remember that day, but it seems to be etched in the memory of many. Another boy beat out the flames with his leather jacket. . The explosion just before impact must have been from fuel tank rupture coupled with engines still running (I assume). Off to one side, a large plane engine lay embedded 15 ft down in the Earth, smoldering with an acrid fume. He left the school yard in shock and a neighbor lady found him walking home and picked him up. They had come to the school because, of course, they had children there. Pamela Carr Wolfson. Always liked Rusty. My mom opened her house up for families to make phone calls to their relatives. I heard he came out of the Marine Corps, slim and buff. Many of my childhood friends had similar stories as I read with Mark G. and Garth R. Many years later upon growing up I joined the LAFD/Paramedic Rescue. We heard the noise going over us, in the direction of the Junior High. Certainly less frightening, but just as capable of creating lasting, disturbing impressions the sight of two aircraft plummeting to their doom and the human cost implied, would be enough to sear into anyones brain. As a five-year-old kid, all I can recall of that day is seeing what appeared to be shiny bits of tin foil falling from the sky parts of the DC-7 that had broken off after its crippling mid-air collision. No one involved with the family could offer any insight as to what she had experienced. It was more information than I had ever heard about. Terrifying moments seem to go by in slo-mo. [1][2][3], The DC-7B, which was earmarked for delivery to Continental Airlines, took off from the Santa Monica Airport at 10:15a.m. on its first functional test flight, with a crew of four Douglas personnel aboard. Ive been having that kind of trouble lately someone even tried to post my audio at another site and it only reduces readership at these pages. the Harringtons were between us. If so, did you learn the identity of the teacher aiding the injured student? I have never been there, this will be a first for me. I went to Pacoima Jr. High in the mid-70s and remember some of my neighbors in Arleta speaking about it. Since I first posted my note I was contacted by one person and we had a good talk. I bailed out of the jeep, ran out of the hanger, and ran down the tarmac. I always thought it would have been kinda fun to be in his class. We were unable to find an existing triage system to use. Today is the 57th anniversary of the plane crash; I think about it every January 31st. A year or so later I had Helen Snipper as teacher of a drama class at Pacoima Jr. High. I remember seeing the field with all the plane wreckage, fire and smoke, and people around the perimeter. My brother Marvin and sister Delores were at the school and my sister was in the auditorium at the time of the crash. I was in the Auditorium as a B 9th grade student. I can clearly picture Mr. Martos rotund face. I read the reports and listened to your Dads tape. Many Pacoima JH alums have commented there. For some god-forsaken reason, my mother scooped me and a my baby brother up, and we headed for the sight of the explosion. She was our babysitter back then and I was looking for her full name. I TOTALLY understand and COMPLETELY respect your thought process regarding posting this, however to me this audio represents a piece of history for those of us who live or have lived in the valley as well as those who are familiar with the Ritchie Valens story. I suppose the single most interesting aspect of this story and the recording is how many people were, as you put it, haunted their entire lives by this tragedy. I didnt have a WordPress account at the time I was trying to listen last week. Thank you so much for your interest and posting this piece of history. Unforgettable. If youre still having difficulty with it, let me know and Ill talk to WordPress about it.w. If anyone wants to talk to you about the crash, they can contact me and Id be happy to pass along your email address to them after checking with you. I remember hearing a tape of the crash that the music teacher, Mr Morse, had. Thank you so much for your comment. I have a little bit to add to the story. One teacher held a boys intestines from spilling out, as the boy screamed in agony, I dont want to die, I dont want to die. Teachers were everywhere, trying to comfort the injured. Hi, Deb thanks for commenting. Yes, its sobering to think of what might have happened if the DC-7 had veered one way or the other into the auditorium, classrooms or the many nearby residences. Richard Berger wrote that he was in the hospital for 7 weeks, I think I was there longer. I had just turned five on the 16th of January and the plane flew right over me, raining down some sort of metallic confetti. Wow. I was doing some research on this so thanks for posting the information. Two years after the Pacoima disaster, Valens was killed along with his fellow performers and tour mates, J.P. Big Bopper Richardson and Buddy Holly when their light plane crashed near Clear Lake, Iowa. I remember that I left my classroom and ran around the building and into the field. I was in the auditorium (in the orchestra) as the soon to be graduates were rehearsing. It was very traumatic but the adults kept us sheltered so we didnt see the worst of it. She never remarrried, and celebrated her 94th birthday this month. Even though the comments here concern a tragic day in the old neighborhood, reading them reminds me of my old stomping grounds and what a terrific place it was to spend my first 17 years. What I saw Ill never forget. Thinking of Evan and the other boys makes me wonder how their lives would have gone had fate been kinder. But that day seems indelibly etched into the brains of those who were there, including my sister and father. We saw the plane actually come down and crash in the gym field.A huge billowing cloud of Black smoke and orange fire Lit up inside of our classroom. My Dad rushed to the school through the black smoke to administer first aid to the injured students as he was a trained volunteer fireman. With the help of other Paramedics, Nurses, Physicians, Fire Chiefs, private ambulance companies, and other Orange County Agencies, the plan is in place and several Mass Casualty Drills are put on every year. In summary, the disaster drill was a disaster. On January 31, 1957, a Douglas DC-7B transport plane crashed into the school yard of Pacoima Junior High School, 9919 Laurel Canyon Boulevard, after colliding with a Northrop F-89J Scorpion jet trainer plane. Jan. 31, 1957: Military and police personnel at scene of the crash of a Douglas DC-7B transport on the grounds of Pacoima Congregational Church, adjacent to Pacoima Junior High School. It was so cold here recently, it made me think of the real, world-class cold I felt when we did your ballet in, what was it, 2008? I made no note of them ) 1957 collision over pacoima critique the performances in preparation for parents! Ems agencies have adopted post incident stress debriefing or counseling programs ( late 1970s ) Fire Police... Recording is incredible sister Delores were at the P.E crashed into Pacoima Jr. High...., who happened to be graduates were rehearsing put me in the middle the... After my capture, I am 73 yrs old now and live in Tulsa Okla... 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