essay on respect and discipline

Discipline is the glue that holds a combat team together. Your obligations given to you as a soldier are there to help you perform your duties, much like guidelines to success. So respect can do lots of things that will help us with our future. Respect & Discipline Without discipline, a sports game will have no rules. Children back then were taught by tradition, showed moral, and were way more motivated than the children now. Everyone has a purpose and stepping off to get to his or her next obstacle of the day. Manage Settings tasks. Accountability 2. activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training: A daily stint at the typewriter is excellent discipline for a writer. There is no respect or honor for those who have paved the way for them. After Abbotts career ended, Tim and Abbott tells the story of his childhood and professional baseball career to the community and 1775, with the creation of the newly formed Continental Army begins the history of the Noncommissioned Officer. for the RESPECT Project While respect is one of the army values, discipline is needed for all of them. Values and character traits are learned in childhood and then molded throughout a lifetime. Communication is also a key concept in making new friendships. In the world of technology it can be easy for one to become lazy. paper is designed as the first step towards the development of for only $11.00 $9.35/page. Request writing assistance from a top writer in the field! Save Paper; 3 Page; 590 Words; Respect - Essay 4. So now I have to make sure that I lead by example and not by sub standards because in the long wrong I will be in charge of soldiers and dont want them to think that they can just show up whenever or talk to NCOS any way they want. Leaders should be able to handle discipline issues at the lowest level and not have to worry about their Soldiers bringing up I.G. | Pragmatic Classroom | Win-Win Discipline | Real Discipline | According to dictionary, discipline is training to act in accordance with rules. They identify with it as a restriction or absence of freedom. But in reality, this quote refers to the meaning that discipline defined by rules in society allows individuals to have freedom within their lives. Dependability is a major aspect of military bearing. On this page, you will read an Essay on Respect for Students in 1000 Words with some quotes or sayings to understand its importance in life. Paragraph on Mothers Day 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids, Students And Children - A Plus Topper . European Countries. I can not expect others to treat me with respect when I am not showing them the same. Everyone follow discipline in his/her life in a different form. Punctuality plays a vital role in making any cadet a full fledged military official. On the first day of initial training Soldiers are taught the importance of the seven Army values and begin to memorize the Soldiers Creed. We should give our leaders back the power to discipline Soldiers on the spot. THE SEVEN ARMY VALUES Essay Respect is to "Treat people as they should be treated." Every soldier is responsible for treating other people with dignity and respect. Someone could, for example, inherit a large sum of money, have many servants and employees and have salesmen constantly calling on him and catering to him, yet has increased or decreased in frequency or duration. Importance of Discipline and Respect A vision without action is merely a dream. Jim is a great example of a SMSA tiger. By living this motto, I understand that regardless of how other people look, act, or choose to treat me, I choose to respect everyone. We must have highly motivated leaders that are committed to being great in everything they do. Like doctors and lawyers, the military is an expert group, charged by its client to conduct work governed by a professional ethic according to Lieutenant General Robert Caslen. The Army teaches this as part of the 7 Core Values for many reasons. "Respect is a way of treating or thinking about something or someone. This will express itself in certain behaviours for example extending common courtesies, expressing concern for others and their well-being, taking their feelings and experiences seriously., What is respect? 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The definition of respect is showing a positive feeling of esteem for another person or entity. These principles represents what the organization strongly believes in and governs the most basic customs and courtesies that all its members should . By evaluating the significance of a persons work and behaviour, his such a definition. The ability to communicate effectively allows children to understand questions from teachers, peers, or other adults and to express their feelings or thoughts about those questions. Accordingly, individuals (or a. Without dependability, one can neither perform properly in the workspace nor be depended upon by their coworkers, or chain of command to carry out their military duties properly. Everyone should practice self-discipline to live a good life. Discipline is an attitude. In the meantime, a brief survey of projects described as socioeconomic research projects indicates that they cover a very broad This can involve involving students in . The leader who feels and gives the respect which is due to others cannot fail to inspire in them regard for himself. Body We have to rely on fellow soldiers as well as our superiors and without respect we would not care about helping each other. who want to honour themselves only by showing off instead of doing any good As Soldiers we pledge to treat others with respect and dignity while not expecting anything in return. Punishment of not following orders is not deemed to be a positive occurrence in an average persons life, whereas the United States military guide maintains that punishment strengthens my determination and discipline and enables me to learn and fully take the importance of following orders in US army seriously. When we go to a restaurant, there's respect. Military discipline will be developed by individual and group training to create a mental attitude resulting in proper conduct and prompt obedience to lawful military authority. An undisciplined military force is a losing one (Hoversten). July 13, 2012 and their work is done. Amongst these are confidence, morality, discipline and respect. other issues of relevance to EU policy. importance of works is different according to practice, similarly, there are 7. Making it easier for the family to live together under one household. Referred to as the Blue Book, it outlined the duties and responsibilities of noncommissioned officers Some are obviously against the rules of professionalism such as public display of affection in uniform, as is being intoxicated in uniform and exhibiting violent behavior are conducts that are punishable in the military code of conduct. calls for proposals to carry out socio-economic research related to It is a behavior. How can Soldiers represent the Army if they do not have the self-respect to look their very best every day? Short Essay on Self Discipline 300 words: Self Discipline is the ability to stay in control, resist attractions, stay away from distractions, overcome delays and addictions, and persevere to achieve set goals. That wasnt very respectful let me try again more calmly to tell you why I was angry. Post-Revolutionary War, the duties and responsibilities of a noncommissioned officer had very little standardization which was soon to change. When we go to school, there's respect. The children of the 90s are being raised by children of the 70s most of who experienced punishment for wrong doings, boundaries set by parents, and discipline in general. Good hygiene, appropriate clothing for work area (e.g. It is due to this feeling that a person feels superior. Army regulations, The Articles of the UCMJ, as well as our own Soldiers Creed illustrate how a military service member should conduct themselves on a daily basis, on and off duty. Without claiming exemplarity, I thus decided to flung open my wardrobe and assemble all those things I wore during the last couple of months in official academic contexts (except fieldwork - where I tend to wear a simple trouser-shirt-combo - but the same rules apply there, too). 2) Discipline is important in every phase of life. Some very important social skills that a child must possess include respecting others, the ability to communicate, having a positive self image, and to be a good problem solver. 23 July 2010 Concerning sexuality, honour has traditionally been associated with purity or virginity or, in case of married men/women, loyalty. But respect also has to be earned. Respect is an important first step in building a relationship and I value my relationship with the Army. 5) Parents, teachers, and elders teach us discipline. | * In this theory, teachers and students work hand-in-hand in a classroom which promotes a good teacher-student relationship. Form that with respect. In our October 3, 2013, issue of the newsletter, we published the results of our survey (), which clearly exposed healthcare's continued tolerance of and indifference to disrespectful behavior.Despite more than a decade of emphasis on safety, little improvement has been made. Standards would be a correct answer. Respect is not something that is done when it is convenient, it is done at all times. For example, if a police offer pulled someone to the side and requested to search them, the individual has the right to request a reason for the search. The October 16, 2021 by Prasanna Essay On Discipline In School: Discipline is the preparation of the brain and character. Sign off when they have met the standard. I have done so well I just need to be more attentive in what I am doing and make sure that I have my things in order and that I am prepared for everything that comes my way. From driving, grocery shopping, and even talking on the phone respect is all around us. Discipline is a word that conjures up ideas of control and denial of freedom. Respect is essential in our life because just as money is required in life, so it is necessary to respect life. Generally speaking, it is a positive feeling or action expressed towards something. 464 . However, it doesnt take long to look around and see plenty of examples of just the opposite loss of self-control (thrown helmets, fighting), loss of respect (arguing with the officials, offensive language) and irresponsible behavior (check the daily sports page for athletes charged with driving under the influence and assault). Discipline refers to rule-following behavior, to regulation, order, control and authority. I say Normally because in all facets of life respect is almost always something to be earned and given on a personal level. The officer would need to have a good reason. So while we are back home and safe, we have to train how we will fight, which means that we much remember to respect those in charge of us, those giving us orders, and have the discipline to execute when we are told, how. Respect is the equal, To me respect means looking up to someone or something and letting the person know that you care about how they feel. True freedom is impossible without a mind made free by discipline. Discipline is the how to be an Army professional. In-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, expulsion, and zero tolerance policies are often raised when discussing exclusionary discipline. You must have discipline in yourself in order to have selfless service, to do your duty, to have personal courage, as well as loyalty, and honor. Obligations within a workplace are there to benefit those associated within the environment, in this scenario obligation to report our location and actions being taken were there to help our leaders to guide us towards success since their jobs are to ensure we are doing the right thing and to have our best interest in mind. Military bearing is dignity within military relationships. As a student at SMSA I will show all four core beliefs as expected. This is taught to us in boot camp and we are expected to maintain the 7 Core Values at all times Military Bearings We can set limits, but we do not have to stoop to gross behavior to protect, Responsibility and accountability go hand in hand in everyday life and situations that may occur. Some parents believe that values such as cooperation, fair play, learning how to win and lose, self-discipline, and teamwork are instilling in young people through participation in sports. Today, the word respect is spoken vicariously. Be it dedication and sacrifices for ones job or ones moral and ethical views and principles. In fact, giving someone respect seems similar to valuing them and their thoughts, feelings, etc. Grand Canyon University EDU 536 The child centred approach endorses the rights of the child to choose, make connections and communicate. Respect is often thoughts as earned or built over time. Respect is all around us in our daily lives. 6. Military Discipline 1. PV2 Limke, Kasaundra Respect plays a role in our everyday lives. It means taking all of these seriously and giving them worth and value. These are examples of some traits a person can earn respect from normally. Adults were once children and it is said the longer you live the more you learn. 1. person desiring to be respected must first learn to respect himself for which It can be knowledge, self awareness, trust, character, honesty, understanding, and a positive attitude. 7. Discipline must be a habit so engrained that it is stronger than the excitement of battle or the fear of death. Having pride in what we do shows that we are disciplined enough to love being in the profession of Soldiering and most importantly being a leader. Even though Jim loved baseball he always put school first, he maintained his grades at a certain level to stay on the baseball team. This short discussion Character Revealed through Adversity: For example when a soldier is told to build a stage or a wall and it requires planning and they are told by their leaders to do it a certain way it should be done the way they were told no matter if its the hardest way. Determination, respect, and self-discipline are all characteristics that describe me. 2. activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training: A daily stint at the typewriter is excellent discipline for a writer. 3. punishment inflicted by way of correction and training. Respecting yourself is equally important. However, it will take a lot of patience to compile these ideas to produce a beautiful write-up. There are multiple ways you could use either of the two. All of these 7 values coincide with each other, and play an important roll in our Army lives. Growing up and learning about whats wrong and whats right is a crucial part of ones life. We will write a custom Essay on Trust and Respect: "The Effects of Hazing and Sexual Harassment" specifically for you. | * Teaches children how to conduct themselves in an acceptable manner. Not so much in the talking back, but there body language. Snap out of this dream. What is Army Profession to our leasers? However, we may not truly understand what respect means. Then I will make sure that I am getting a good amount of sleep so that I can get up on time and not be late or dragging while I am at work. We will occasionally The importance of the concept of respect has declined in the modern world and has been replaced by conscience. The employees of Jaquar, have not only contributed in business growth, but also assure it of its continued success story to many next generations. a whip or scourge, used in the practice of self-mortification or as an instrument of chastisement in certain religious communities. The Get back to the hard truths in our job description, Soldiering. Respect means thinking of how somebody else feels. Following out your obligations show military barring and professionalism which is expected of us by not only our leadership but the civilians in which we swear to protect all over the world. The importance of obligation with the Army. The Respect For Military Authority Philosophy Essay. Jim definitely showed discipline throughout this book. Introduction (Essay on Respect in 1000 Words), Encouragement increases in doing work due to respect, How to Write A Letter to God? Dedication, responsibility, discipline, and respect will be shown as a SMSA student. if Liam and his parents have some sort of maintaining respect for each other his parents would be able to discuss the issues Liam has such as being in trouble with the police all the time and stealing, Liam would then feel like he could confide in his parents, allowing them to help him with his issues/problems. 5. behavior in accord with rules of conduct; behavior and order maintained by training and control: good discipline in an army. we as a whole have lost the sense of morality. person who is not respected in society has no value in society. Jaquar, a place where Every One Learns & Everyone Shares. This value reminds you that your people are your greatest resource.". In reality, adversity reveals character. Socially, when children help others with problems make the right moral decision and keep them out of trouble, friendships evolve and What Respect Is On a practical level respect includes taking someone's feelings, needs, thoughts, ideas, wishes and preferences into consideration. Respect is a way of treating or thinking about something or someone. Discipline helps us to be conscious and respectful to those in power. The definition of discipline is 1. training to act in accordance with rules; drill: military discipline. However, discipline is a complex product of training. Discipline is essential to living a free, protected, and safe life. It is not about respect for the individual as much as it is about respect for the rank. In this paper, I will review for you what the article I read says about self-discipline as well as self-regulation, how that affects the online learner, and keys to success in the online learning world. The collection is pictured to the right - and I will go through three classic occasions to explain what I wear, and more importantly my reasoning behind it. Montessori discovered that it was through liberty, which was such an integral part of her classrooms, that the children were the means to reveal their inner or self-discipline. It is a word that everybody wants a piece of no matter how big or small the piece they get is. Accountability also correlates with knowing where a certain person resides currently or in the future. belongings and resources and showing off their property, house, vehicle, etc. Honor and Loyalty are complimented by respect as you cant have honor nor loyalty without it. Item Discipline and Indiscipline Acts of Misconduct Report of Misconduct Flow-chart of Disciplinary Proceedings Preliminary Enquiry Principles of Natural Justice Charge-sheet Suspension Domestic Enquiry Penalties Appeal and Review Annexures Therefore, I thank all of Non-commissioned Officer and Respect Respect is one the 7 Army Values and probably one of the most important in today's Army. A leader with moral values gives those who they lead assurance that the decisions they make will be desirable ones. Information Society Technologies (in the IST Programme) and to Why do we want Discipline? Whether I was playing sports, studying for a test, or practicing a speech for a play, I was always determined to do my best. In the United States Army we are taught to live by the Seven Army Values. They are broken down to us in the acronym LDRSHIP which is short for Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage. With added details here and there, in this essay I will mainly be discussing what respect actually is, how being respected is normally earned and in the military how it is demanded of you as a sub-ordinate to any ranks higher than you or in some cases any fellow military personnel who is more senior to you and why. A human is a woman In most of the cases, indiscipline of a worker is the expression of his reaction to his environment. Soldiers have become barracks lawyers and Soldiers that always feel they need to have a debate there marching orders. Discipline is vital to following orders efficiently, without it soldiers wouldnt react fast enough when something is being commanded or would simply not be concerned enough to perform the task in hand, failing the team. An organizations where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning the ways to learn together. * Wongs theory rests solely on what the teacher does and does not focus on student needs such as when they have learning or mental disabilities. Hope you like this Essay on Respect for Students. He spends At the time the Blue Book outlined the five separate ranks of noncommissioned Understanding discipline By having our superiors teach us the value of respect, they are uniting us for when we have to do combat. Such a person was considered to have no worth, no importance, no value to the group. (a) Discipline is essential in any organisation for improving the employee morale as well as to increase the productivity which is the ultimate goal of any organisation. 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