eu4 nations join hre

Existing treaties between leaving princes and remaining princes will affect the Emperor's war declarations. Was there a patch to make is super hard to get nations to join? This can happen lategame if all member states have converted to non-Catholic religions but the AI did not start the League War, leading to a Catholic emperor without eligible electors. If a league leader is attacked by any nation during a league war, their fellow league members will automatically join the war as defenders of the leader. Centralization and decentralization reforms, meanwhile, are mutually exclusive, unlocked after passing the reform Perpetual Diet, and either unite the HRE into a unified state or empower individual princes. Its possible to have an 8th elector if the Embrace Rechenschaft Measures reform has been passed. Current member AI states that are the Emperor will add provinces to the Empire provided that they border or share a sea zone with provinces which are already part of the HRE, the province religion is any denomination of Christianity, the nation has a core on the province, and the province is in Europe. Fourth, they create the vassal nation. If done right, uniting the HRE can be fun and rewarding, and will additionally net the player the "A Kaiser not just in name" achievement if playing on Ironman. T. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. EU4 exploits are a core part of the game. in the event, Depending on how much of the HRE is owned by, Please help improve this article or section by, Male (unless the Pragmatic Sanction decision has been enacted by an emperor with a female heir), The accepted imperial religion (either Catholic or Protestant). You are using an out of date browser. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. Throughout its history, the Holy Roman Empire weathered many struggles, from its loss of power in Italy to the Great Peasants' War. However, if the emperor becomes ineligible, or is annexed so his/her nation ceases to exist, a new emperor will be elected. Any Free City that loses its status becomes an Oligarchic Republic. At the start of the game in 1444, a ruler can only be elected Emperor if they follow the dominant religion - Catholic. Overthrow Austria and become the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. This makes it impossible for large nations with over 200 development to join the HRE using this method. It seems to compare the threat level and relative strength of one particular nation that it feels threatened by, which need to be greater than 300-(2*(HRE Imperial Authority)) for threat level (maximum 400) and less than (HRE Imperial Authority)/2 for relative strength (as a percentage). Thus, it is for instance possible to join the HRE regardless of the Emperor's opinion of your country by conquering a province in it (but note that the Emperor will be called in the war as a co-belligerent if you directly attack its owner), coring it and then losing all non-HRE provinces including the capital, for example by releasing vassals or giving them out in peace deals, causing the capital to be moved to the conquered HRE province. This applies even if the owner is a member of the HRE. Passing the imperial reform 'Embrace Rechenschaft Measures' allows for an eight electorships to be granted. Or, as you mention, you can do the "annex and release" routine. North American natives WC on very hard mode AAR: You must log in or register to reply here. This is not needed if Proclaim Erbkaisertum has been passed. Due to the previous reform Proclaim Erbkaisertum, the vassal relationships gained as a result of this decision do not count towards diplomatic upkeep. Take and core the province while the Emperor has a long truce with you. 2.2.2 Succession Wars. No doubt $EMPERORNAME$ also plans for his female heir to in time take his seat on the Imperial Throne. Its possible for a nation to join the HRE via the HRE interface. Without Emperor, there are no reform types, and only eight reforms are available: Call for Reichsreform, Institute Reichsregiment, Reform the Hofgericht, Enact Gemeiner Pfennig, Ewiger Landfriede, Proclaim Erbkaisertum, Revoke The Privilegia, Renovatio Imperii. An empire without electors but with an eligible emperor turns hereditary and can not be dismantled (The Erbkaisertum reform is not passed by this however). Beware that when the empire is united, all armies and navies under the command of the HRE Princes are passed on to the unified HRE, which can be devastating to finances due to being over the force limit. In game, these major events are represented as imperial incidents, large events that affect equally large parts of Europe. The easiest way to stop being emperor is to switch religions.. What happens when you dismantle HRE eu4?ismantle HRE: If the Emperor's capital is controlled and the electors either have their capitals occupied or are allied to the nation attempting to dismantle the empire (almost always the player), it is possible to dismantle the Holy Roman Empire and disable the HRE mechanics permanently . The player can choose to either support or oppose reforms if they are a member, using the checkboxes in the imperial interface. If an elector loses their privilege or ceases to exist, the Emperor will appoint another HRE member to replace them. Similarly with Caucasus and Armenia. Mutually exclusive with 'Reform the Hofgericht', Mutually exclusive with 'Establish the Reichstag Collegia'. Non-members may remove owned, and cored, imperial territory at will if at peace by clicking on the eagle icon in the province window. Advice? Could y'all enlighten me? ok thanks. 317K subscribers in the eu4 community. AI emperors will assign nations they have good relations with, and that are the dominant religion in the empire. The Emperor gets the following bonuses:[1], Additional, for each member state of the HRE:[2], Additional, for each Free City in the HRE:[3]. the grounds of an imperial abbey) that they are not represented in EU4. Historically, the Empire existed from the 10th to the 19th centuries, and had up to 300 members at some points, many of which were so small (e.g. The money needed to get the max opinion bonus is relative to your targets monthly income. The last one is incorrect, if the emperor defeats the lague, then Catholic domination occurs, where only catholics can be electors, a permanent state that cannot be changed by further wars. Fun content on everything pop culture. The last reform will consolidate all member states of the HRE into a true, unified nation, with the emperor becoming its ruler. Princes who do not support the reform will leave the Empire, receive 100 relations with the Emperor, and the Emperor gains temporary claims on the provinces that were in the Empire. In game, however, the Holy Roman Empire usually passes a moderate number of reforms. Alternatively, the Empire can embrace its growing decentralization and gain strength from its diversity, while remaining united when it needs to. Also the emperor will get a malus to demand more than one province from one nation so taking two provinces and returning one and keeping the other is another option. Nations that have their capital province inside imperial boundaries are considered Princes, or member states. As either the Papal States or the Emperor, have the Papal States as an Elector while the HRE is officially Catholic. This will likely cause non-HRE vassals to become disloyal, as total military strength will increase greatly. ", If the Elector is a vassal of someone other than the war leader, and does not participate in the war fighting. simply the existence of the religious leagues will disallow the Emperor to enact any reform). Otherwise: The country gains 200 Military power. Hungary's membership would damage the Empire. I don't understand, why you would say the Ottomans are not a good choice for world conquest. and our The opinion of the nation that was under attack will increase by +10 because of the honored alliance relation boost. A nation that feels Threatened by the Emperor will have a +20 modifier to becoming a Free City, so that they can have guaranteed Imperial protection. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Therefore, as a player, either win the League War and establish your religion as the dominant one (all non-conforming electors will automatically be removed) or assuming no opposing religious league ever attacks the Emperor in a religious war then fast-track the process by either (i) destroying any Elector if they are in the opposing league (even if they share the same religion as the Emperor) or (ii) simply have no wars with them to let the truces expire. That same game Austria was able to vassalize Hungary diplomatically (I was playing as Spain). Blood and Iron. It is still possible for princes to end up at war as a result of honoring alliances with non-members or intervening in succession wars. The Holy Roman Empire (HRE) is a unique political structure in the game, made up of numerous variously-sized states of the Germanic region and northern Italian Peninsula in Europe. Free Imperial Cities are one-province republics granted special favors by the Emperor. Serious question how good is the computer at enforcing Religious Dominance because in the game I played despite Austria slowly crushing members of the league and forcing them out he ended signing for just a few provinces and released nations but this might be because England was the War Leader and no one could actually get to England. However, if a member state attacks free city indirectly by making it co-belligerent in a war with their ally then the Emperor will not join and thus the free city can be annexed without Emperor intervention this way. That and the union with Bohemia are two of the three most important first moves as Austria (the third is to conquer Venice). In this EU4 guide or EU4 tutorial I show you how to form the HRE (including revoking the privilegia) BEFORE 1500! Adding Provinces to the HRE has no benefits in itself. You have to force nations to join HRE. They almost never join by themselves. Unit is pixels. This action is not available unless the HRE has an official religion and the elector is considered heretic. There are no more elections for Emperor. The Emperor can demand another nation, member or not, to return unlawfully held imperial territory to the Emperor, refusal of which gives the Emperor an Imperial Liberation casus belli and gives all member states a relations penalty with the unlawful land's holder. Since relations can't exceed 200, this means that a nation can't have more than 200 development. 1 Countries starting with a personal union in 1444. But when a new republic is crushed, the tide turns in favour of the nobility. So it requires (100 + 72 + 13 + 53+ 45 + 34 = ) 317 opinion from the Emperor, ergo Burgundy can only join the HRE after losing some provinces and/or subjects (or in its specific case through the event "Imperial Entrance" triggered by its mission tree). It also does not want to join if the nation it evaluates for this is already a member of the HRE, even if some other non-hre nation might have the appropriate threat/strength levels, it seems to choose whichever nation it finds most threatening, and it seems to give preference to rivals and nations with cores or claims, for instance, Dauphine might evaluate for its rival Savoy instead of France, if France has no claim/core on its territory, even if it feels threatened by France. Once the Emperor has a high enough positive opinion of you, you can click on the Join HRE button in the HRE UI. Princes may not declare war on one another (a non-member Emperor is not affected). This can make attacking nations in the HRE that are in the league with the Emperor particularly difficult, as the aggressor would have to fight the target, their allies, the Emperor, the Emperor's allies, and all nations in the Emperor's league. Since you cant go over 200 development, some diplomatic actions wont be accessible to you, especially the Great Power actions. All other assets & trademarks are property of their original owners. Start as a non-Christian country, or convert to a non-Christian religion. The Emperor may go to war with a country in order to remove the electorate from them if they follow a heretical denomination; with Common Sense, he can simply revoke the electorate instead (and can't go to war to do it). Cookie Notice Austria also has access to the most number of modifiers to diplomatic reputation. Co-belligerents, however, will not call their Imperial allies against an Imperial foe. Good Morning! If the Protestant League signs a white peace with the Emperor, the denominational restriction on the Imperial crown is removed and any (European) Christian ruler can be elected Emperor. If the target accepts the request, they convert to the Emperor's state religion and one random province becomes converted automatically. It was last verified for. If the player has managed to keep imperial territory out of non-imperial hands, expand the empire both in number of provinces and princes, and skillfully navigate the military and diplomatic trials, they may become the dominant nation in Europe or even the world. I don't personally want the province either; I just want them in the empire so there is no 'Imperial Authority' malus modifier. Valve Corporation. 5% Development cost in every Empire province, The owner of this province gets the province event "Perpetual Diet" Demanding causes a 100 relation penalty with the target, so it is probably worth it to let an Elector keep its spoil of war instead. Note that the cores the emperor gets on imperial territory of non-members will not include those that left as a result of the previous reform, since that reform already removed all of their provinces from the empire. For example, if Burgundy takes over territory on the eastern HRE front, and the player then reconquers that territory from Burgundy, the player will not get unlawful territory. Provinces connected with a water crossing can be added to the empire, as well as isolated islands provided they share a sea zone with a province already in the empire. The threshold for proposing a reform is having 50 imperial authority. In order to dismantle the HRE, it is helpful or even necessary to either ally with or vassalize as many of the Electors as possible. This makes them more likely to win the Imperial election. Become Emperor of the HRE and get a vassal swarm to conquer the world for you. Electors no longer vote, though they retain Elector status. Grant Free City status to nations in the HRE that only own one province. The imperial reform Erbkaisertum stops further elections, making the Emperorship hereditary, but the electors keep their status. I'm playing as Austria and i'm trying to form the HRE. Within the interface are a number of shields of various sizes representing members of the HRE. This is the only way for a Orthodox, Coptic, Hussite, or Anglican ruler to become emperor and the second of the two ways for a Reformed ruler to become emperor. You take it, core it, add to HRE, convert it and give it back via province menu. In addition, the HRE will automatically be dismantled if there is nobody eligible to be elected Emperor (see above for requirements). Members are considered 'Princely states' and their heads are 'Princes'. Free Cities get a special republican government, a bonus to tax income and will always be able to call in the Emperor when they are attacked, even in internal HRE wars. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by If the Peace of Westphalia event happens, any Christian may be chosen (although a, Leading a country with the capital in the same continent as the current emperor's capital, On becoming Emperor one's government rank changes to empire (adding, Having a threatening country nearby (exact numbers needed) (see joining the empire), Winning a defensive call to arms will grant as much as, Every country that has not been reined in may leave the Empire! Common Sense: If the empire has no official faith yet, regardless of the faith of the electors, the Peace of Westphalia is declared. The sequence of centralization reforms in the game is loosely based on proposals that were made in the historical Holy Roman Empire starting in the 15th century, in order to "reform" it back into the more centralized and efficient structure it was considered to be in the 10th-12th centuries. Imperial authority is capped at 100. The required values will be the same for everyone, so it's clearly based on your nation, rather than the target nation or your individual relations with that nation. There are several ways to improve another nations opinion of you. In case of a tie in the number of votes, the nation of the previous emperor retains the title, if they were among those tied. The conditions are: The tooltip for the Dismantle HRE button in the HRE interface will tell you which Electors are currently counted as "independent". The best part of EU4 is the presence of your nation. When a reform is passed, all Imperial Authority is removed (the counter is set to 0). It was last verified for, Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. An example is the Teutonic Order in 1444 which needs 149 relations with Austria to join, if Austria guarantees them and asks for military access they can still only reach 145 relations and will not be interested in joining, but once the event fires for them to sell their hre province back to Brandenburg, the relations requirement will drop down to 144, which is achievable and they will start working towards joining. We have reached a final and permanent accord with the Vicar of Christ, Pope [PAP.Monarch.GetName]. For too long we have suffered under the tyrant heel of the nobility. Summon the diet!' Archived post. You could conquer and annex the vassal's entire country, add those provinces to the HRE, and then release them as a vassal if you wanted. A prince's decision to support a reform is largely based on their opinion of the emperor, the amount of imperial authority and the emperor's diplomatic reputation. The Emperor receives a call to arms when outside powers declare war on a prince of the empire, or members declare war on each other without a casus belli. (1) of the opposing religion, and As a frustrated otter who dreams of getting published, Louie instead wastes his life cuddling his cats. on Paradox technology, Legal Princes who support the reform become vassals of the Emperor. Note that Electors allied to the war leader still count as "not independent" even if they are not directly involved in the war. Free Cities cannot be Electors. Revoking the privilegia ) BEFORE 1500 mention, you can click on join... Is removed ( the counter is set to 0 ) to improve another nations opinion of Emperor. The elector is considered heretic, Pope [ PAP.Monarch.GetName ] EU4 exploits are a core part of the nobility that! 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