hebrews 11 commentary spurgeon

Perhaps, you will say, "Why does the Lord make them so plentiful? Here is one that can never be diminished, much less exhausted. Now, in order to faith, it is necessary that I should not only read the Scriptures and understand them, but that I should receive them in my soul as being the very truth of the living God, and I should devoutly with my whole heart receive the whole of the Scripture as being inspired of the Most High, and the whole of the doctrine which he requires me to believe to my salvation. As many of us as have believed in Christ Jesus have been called out. Does he not himself sometimes say of them, "How can I put thee among the children?" Prayer makes us "rich towards God," and this is the best of riches; but it must be believing prayer. Northampton Press - 2022. d.w. 176pp. -- Hebrews 11:34. Hebrews 11:4 Commentaries: By faith Abel offered to God a better sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained the testimony that he was righteous, God testifying about his gifts, and through faith, though he is dead, he still speaks. Two men are going along a road, and there is a dog behind them. Our reply is, it did so gloriously. Friends tell you that you are making much ado about nothing, or that you are uncharitable, narrow-minded, and bigoted. Depend upon it, faith that is never tried is not true faith. There must be determination, thought, care, attention; and faith must work with all these to produce obedience to the will of the Lord. III. How long shall it be so? Faith and fear together led Noah to do as God commanded him. The obedience of a slave ranks very little higher than the obedience of a well-trained horse or dog, for it is tuned to the crack of the whip. When you sit expectant on the banks of the last river, waiting, for the summons to cross, it may be that your fiercest temptation will come even then. But if you have grace in your heart you will dare to do right. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and in the power of the ever-blessed gospel. But there is no praying without believing. Multitudes have confessed the name of Christ, and have done many marvellous things, and yet they have never been pleasing to God, from this simple reason, that they had not faith. As for you that believe not in God, may you be led to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as in your Redeemer, and afterwards to trust your God, and leave al your concerns in his hands. Don't expect to find comforts in this world that your flesh would long for. We may hunt the world through, and say, "This looks like a little paradise," but there is not any paradise this side of the skies, for a child of God at any rate. I can only pray the Lord to give you to believe in him. God has prospered you, and you have said, "Oh! What harvest will come of our sowing we must leave with the Lord of the harvest; but we ourselves must look to the basket and the seed, and scatter our handfuls in the furrows without fail. Hast thou a poor, faint heart in this sacred exercise? Just as the thunder followeth the lightning's flash, instanter, when the storm is near, so when faith is near, the thunder of our obedience follows the mighty flash of God's influence in our hearts. Romans 11 commentary macarthur. Who among us can do this, unless a power outside of himself shall come to his aid? We may bear the discomforts of the eventide and the night, for the morning will break so soon. Own them! Taking another view, we would remark that faith makes us strong to fulfill the relationships of life. Such Christians as I have referred to, who are not called in early life to endure this trial, frequently have to bear its counterpart at another stage in their journey. This is our inn, not our home. If you are so constituted that you rise and fall; if you are a creature that can be excited, and that can be depressed; and, worse still, if you happen to have been born on a foggy day, and to have swallowed so much of that fog that you have found it shading your spirit many a time ever since; then you can only be strong by faith. Obedience let us pray for it for ourselves and others! Can you pray, my brother? Enoch, before his translation, had this testimony, that he pleased God: and Noah "found grace in the eyes of the Lord." But this man was one day met by a friend, who said to him, "Where is your wife?" This is . Delivered on Sabbath Morning, December 14, 1856, by the REV. God will vindicate his own cause; but it may be his way to let error prevail for a while. Even if in your own house you find your worst foes, hold on, and never doubt. The Best of All Sights "But we see Jesus.". And Jacob--he had found a wife--nay, two--in Laban's land, but he was not content there. You see, then, they had many opportunities to have returned, to have settled comfortably, and tilled the ground as their fathers did before them; but they continued to follow the uncomfortable shifting life of wanderers of the weary foot, who dwelt in tents, who own no foot of land--they were aliens in the country which God had given them by promise. 1. Did it answer Abraham's purpose? How foolish to go on adding, sin to sin, increasing the hardness of the heart, increasing the distance between the soul and Christ, and all the while fondly dreaming of some enchanted hour in which it will be more easy to yield to the divine call, and part with sin. Do not come down a stop or two as to holiness, nor seek a lower platform upon which to meet more cordially an ungodly world. So sure as our faith is real, it will want to bring others in. Yet, remember that the obedience which comes of true faith is often bound to be altogether unreckoning and implicit ; for it is written, "He went out, not knowing whither he went." How fully should we be restored if we were perfect in it! Therefore assent must go with faith: that is to say, what we know we must also agree unto, as being most certainly the verity of God. Now would you have thought that such a rich plant would grow in such poor soil--that strong faith could grow in such a sinful heart as that of Rahab? Perhaps it is a doctrinal change; they have imbibed the orthodox faith from the pure fountain of revelation itself, unalloyed by the traditions and qualifications of men; they have cast away all the heterodox glossary of man, and have determined to believe nothing but the sovereign grace of God. The promise was to them as "strangers and sojourners," and so they continued. Perhaps you have tried to fill your soul with worldly things. She became after that a woman eminent for piety walking in the fear of God. The mother of Sisera thought him long in coming, but what shall we say of this laggard season? says she, secretly within herself, what she would willingly have said to her neighbors, "will you not now believe? Oh, that we may, through almighty grace, be so pleasing unto the Lord that we may abide in fellowship with him! Some say it is a land of confusion and of the shadow of death. I have heard of one brought to Christ, who was a very great sinner--of so stiff a neck that he never would be approached by anybody who aimed at his conversion. Dear father, have you children who are unruly, irreligious, defiant? Our lease of mortal life is fast running out. Faith is weakness clinging to strength, and becoming strong through so doing. Welcome to Episode 117 of The Burning Bush Podcast, where we share the message of the Bible while enjoying a good cigar. Let us rest assured that nothing but repeated and fiery trials could have trained his faith to so great a strength as that which it exhibited in his preparation to slay his son at the command of God. Now, my good woman, don't you see the absurdity of this thing? In fact, they are not at an consistent therewith. Now, what shall be said to those who are not strangers and foreigners? So, then, you see the reason why the Christian cannot go back, though he has many opportunities, lies in this, that through divine grace he has had produced in his heart desires for something better, and even when he does not as yet enjoy that something better, the desires themselves become mighty bonds that keep him from returning to what he was. I will withdraw the question as directed to you, and I will ask it of myself: Have I that faith which leads me to obey my God? Not Yet a Member? Without faith thou art out of the kingdom of grace, a stranger to the commonwealth of Israel. 2 For by it the men of old gained approval. They were not naturally strong either to do or to suffer. Believe the threat, even though it should chill your blood; believe, though nature shrinks from the overwhelming doom; for, if you do not believe, the act of disbelieving God about one point will drive you to disbelieve him upon the other parts of revealed truth, and you will never come to that true, child-like faith which God will accept and honour. It makes them say, "Lord, thou hast forgiven me my sins; I will sin no more. But there are other forms of suffering than these of daily life and of bodily pain. He asks your weakness: he has none of that himself, and he is longing, therefore, to take your weakness, and use it as the instrument in his own mighty hand. Never! C. H. Spurgeon at the Music Hall, Royal Surrey Gardens. i. I wish we all had such a fear. if you could forget the statutes, can you ever fail to remember the songs? If you trust the living God, you will do the right, and bear the loss or the shame; but if your faith fail you, self-love will create such respect for your own good name, such fear of ridicule, such unwillingness to be singular, that you will slide from your integrity, and choose a smooth and pleasing road. Now this is the main point of the things we are saying: We have such a High Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, a Minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which the Lord erected, and not man. Whatever we may find in this world, we shall never find a heaven here. Share. The obedience of faith springs from a principle within, and not from compulsion without. Hebrews 11:2. THE APOSTLE COULD NOT AVOID mentioning Noah; for in him faith shone forth eminently. Without faith it is impossible to please God, but with faith we become "accepted in the Beloved." If we had been in Egypt at the time when Pharaoh started out to follow the Israelites to the Red Sea, if we had been clothed with all power, we should have stopped Pharaoh's chariots and horses before they quitted Egypt, and thus we should have nipped his enterprise in the bud. Viewed as they are, they are such a rabble in many respects that it is marvellous he is not ashamed of them; and yet he never is; and to prove that he is not ashamed of them we have this fact, that he calls himself their God, "I will be your God," and he oftentimes seems to speak of it as a very joyful thing to his own heart. Perhaps they were living at home before, but now they have to take a room where they can have no quiet, but where sounds of blasphemy greet them, or, in some cases, where they have to go to the workhouse, and be far away from all Christian intercourse or anything that could comfort them. When people persecute you and slander you, no marvel. And what know I of the journey? He who does not believe that God will punish sin, will not believe that God will pardon it through the atoning blood. If they obey at all, it is because their own superior judgements incline that way; but to go forth, not knowing whither they go, and to go at all hazards, is not to their minds at all. Be steadfast, unmovable. Lost because your works have no hold on Christ and no connection with the blessed Redeemer! And next, mark well that Abraham rendered practical obedience . Obedience is the rehearsal of eternal bliss. Well doth Paul say, "They have not all obeyed the gospel": for to many the call comes as a common call, and the common call falls on a sealed ear, but to Abraham and to those who by grace have become the children of faithful Abraham, to whom are the blessings of grace, and with whom God has entered into league and covenant, to touch it comes as a special call, a call attended with a sacred power which subdues their wills and secures their obedience. You can hardly believe for one hundred and twenty days. Obedience has become as much his rule as self-will is the rule of others. "By faith Moses esteemed the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt." I will rehearse no stories of Christian women with jeering husbands, nor of godly youths who endure scoffing, and far worse; but many a house is still a place of martyrdom. All you can see in the poor child of God is a hard-working, labouring man, who is mocked at and despised, but what does God see in him? Some sins cling to a man like the fabled tunic of Hercules, which could not be torn away, but burned into his flesh and bone, whatever he might do. Faith and self-denial, like the Siamese twins, are born together, and must live together, and the food that nourisheth one must nourish both. You must do as Lot did when the angels pressed him and said, "Haste to the mountain, lest thou be consumed." Amen. Commentary on Hebrews 11:1-3. Brethren, we desire something better than this world. If thou wilt trust thy soul with Jesus, thou art saved. But mark, Rahab's faith was a SINGULAR FAITH. I trust we know what it is to have gone without the camp, bearing Christ's reproach. O that God might sanctify some that are here! Oh sirs, some of you do not require more knowledge, you need far more to put in practice what you know. Whenever you feel a prompting to do a good thing do not ask anybody whether you should do it or not; no one ever repents of doing good. I do not care for your parsons a bit; but that neighbor of ours has been in here, and he says he shall break his heart unless I am converted; and that beats me." What a glorious degree Abraham took when he was called "the friend of God"; was not his loss of earthly friendships abundantly made up to him? Such calls come again and again to many, but they turn a deaf ear to them; they are hearers only, and not doers of the word: and, worse still, some are of the same generation as that which Zechariah spake of when he said, "They pulled away the shoulder, and stopped their ears that they should not hear." But in this age preaching is much despised. Our expectations are our largest possessions. Here a tapestry is unfolded, depict We will take our last journey, and we will not fear to take it, for God is our refuge and strength, our helper in the hour of trouble and of death. It was blotted out when he nailed the handwriting of ordinances to his cross. Download or read book Looking to Christ: The Book of Hebrews written by Marci Ogrosky and published by WestBow Press. There is enough out there in the farmyard for the hogs, but there is not for the children. The bringing up of families is a very great matter. When Napoleon was attacking the Egyptians he had powerful artillery, but he could not reach the enemy, for they were ensconced in a mud fort, and it made Napoleon very angry, because, if they had been behind granite walls, he could hate battered them down, but their earthworks could not be blown to pieces, every ball stuck in the mud, and made the wall stronger. And if there be not one mentioned in Scripture, which is the history of some thousand years, it is not likely that in the other two thousand years of the world's history there would have been one, when there was not one during the first four thousand. We have had opportunities to have returned. Now our position is a very similar one. They were aliens in the country which God had given them by promise. Saul did it. I. Take that, and every blow will tell, but no other instrument will avail. There was never such a task as that since time began. "What! Your children have been about you; you have had many household joys, and you have said, "I could stay here for ever." Abraham's faith, then, was a tried one. There is enough out there in the farm yard for the hogs, but there is not that which is suitable for the children. "Ah! We are strangers and sojourners, as all our fathers were; dwellers in this wilderness, passing through it to reach the Canaan which is to be the land of our perpetual inheritance. It is a city, too, for dignity. He is not ashamed to call them brethren. Why, if grace was a sort of chain that manacled you so that you could not leave your Lord, if it had become a physical impossibility for you to forsake your Saviour, there would be no credit in your abiding faithful to him. Having commenced the separated life, Abraham continued to dwell in tents, and sojourn in the land which was far from the place of his birth. And why should not God vouchsafe the same faith to thee, my poor, sinning, but contrite hearer? 2 Indeed, by faith[ c] our ancestors received approval. How much of character is revealed in our desires. Let us not forget those members of Christ's mystical body that are in the fire: "his feet are like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace." I mean this Dare you begin to think for yourself? By this shall you know whether you are Christ's or not. There were a number of young men that I had played cards with, that I had sinned with, and transgressed with: the first thing I did was, to go to their houses to see what I could do for their salvation, nor could I rest until I had the pleasure of seeing many of them brought to the Saviour." If God be God to-morrow he is God to-day; if Christ be worth having next week he is worth having to-day. Oh! The obedience of faith creates a form of life which may be safely copied . A little have l read of it, and somewhat has been revested by the Spirit to my soul; but how little do we know of the realms of the future! I feel much the same myself, and would do nothing of which God would not approve." He did not say, "Lord give me a little time: I will go in a week. Oh, may the day never come to you, you young people especially, who have lately put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and professed his name, when you shall be welcomed by the world, but may you for ever forget your kindred and your father's house, so shall the king greatly desire your beauty, for he is the Lord, and worship you him. I shall this evening first speak to you upon:--. I. If you want to go back to sin, to carnality, to a love of the world, to your old condition, you never need to be prevented from doing so by want of opportunities: it will be something else that will prevent you, for these opportunities are plentiful and countless. Ask your friends afterwards rather than beforehand, for it is ill consulting with flesh and blood when duty is plain. Shall I only bear testimony to points on which I may agree with other people, and hold my tongue about the rest. I do not find that he said, "Lord let me tarry till harvest be reaped." But while it continues with me I shall find opportunities to return. 2. The mountain of safety is Calvary. This is real faith. Today we're reading the New Testament book of Matthew Chapter 18 , and I'm smoking . His faith in God has become to him the crown of all his believings; the most assured of all his confidences. He had not a servile fear: he was not afraid of God as a culprit is afraid of a judge, or a convict of the hangman. We cannot take any opportunity to go back, because we desire something better than we could get by returning to that country from whence we came out. It was by no means a liberal creed which they received, but what they held operated on their lives. He prepared the right materials; he prepared the different parts so as to fit together: he prepared his mind, and then prepared his work. Beware of the high places: they are very slippery. This I shall illustrate from the whole of the verse. saith one. This woman said, "If I must die for these men, I will; I am prepared, bad name as I have, to have a worse name still; as a traitor to my country I am prepared to be handed down to infamy, if it be necessary, for having betrayed my country in taking in these spies, for I know it is God's will it should be done, and do it I will at every hazard. We will not have it that God, in his Holy Book, makes mistakes about matters of history, or of science, any more than he does upon the great truths of salvation. By "these all" we understand Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Jacob. The curse has fallen: let us get away to the country that never was cursed, to the city that is for ever blessed, Where Jesus dwells there may we find a home and abide for aye. He went out and preached to them; but many would not hear him, for they thought him mad. Ah, how frequently will solitude have temptations as severe as publicity could possibly bring. But this woman, poor sinner as she was, would deny herself. By faith he was adopted and became a son, an heir. That this woman was no mere hostess, but a real harlot, I have abundantly proved to every candid hearer while reading the chapter. In a city such as this there are plentiful occasions for intercourse, where mutual interests shall enhance mutual joy. Art thou literally one of Rahab's sisters in guilt? Let's read the text ( Hebrews 11:1-3 ): Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Take the children to God, take them to God, I pray you. But all these were men of faith. Don't come here with your cant." No, no, she did not. God does not create useless things: he intends that the faith he gives should have its test, should glorify his name. It seems in the text that God looks to what he has prepared for these poor people--"he hath prepared for them a city." In watching with the eyes of carnal reason for objections to God's precept and providence, it would be well if our eyes were burnt out, for better for us to enter into life having no eyes than having two eyes to follow our own devices and find our end destruction in hell fire. That our meditation may be profitable, we will first think a little of the kind of faith which produces obedience ; and then, secondly, we will treat of the kind of obedience which faith produces ; and then we will advance another step, and consider the kind of life which comes out of this faith and obedience . True, it brought him into a world of trouble, and no wonder: such a noble course as his was not likely to be an easy one. It may be that an awful temper broke over us in surging waves. But it is good for you; do not murmur at it. Certain saints are summoned to active marching duty, and others are ordered to keep watch on the walls. It is well they are. If you would know the way to hell, you may shut your eyes and find it: a little matter of neglect will surely ruin you "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?" those are the most likely to slip. And is not that word true, I would make one more application of my text, which is capable of being used in a thousand directions. The call as given by the book of inspiration ought to have over your minds a masterly power, and if your hearts were right before God the word spoken in the Scriptures by the Holy Ghost would be at once obeyed. Our business, though suddenly blighted when flourishing in one place, has been, when removed amidst sad misgivings and dark uncertainties, even more flourishing in another; or if not, if trials have multiplied and poverty has succeeded wealth, yet grace has increased, and as our afflictions abounded, our consolations have much more abounded. Has not the Lord said, "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness"? They accomplished all their feats by a power which was not in them by nature. Now, beloved friends, suffer me a few words upon the other cheering fact, namely, that FAITH MAKES MEN STRONG FOR PATIENT SUFFERING. Ah! The faith of God's elect continues and abides. Some of you are engaged in the midst of ungodly men, and those engagements supply you with constant opportunities to sin as they do, to fall into their excesses, to lapse into their forgetfulness of God, or even to take part in their blasphemies. But we must pass on (for we have a very wealthy text tonight) to notice the second point. Beware of the high places: they are very slippery. O my brothers, believe up to the hilt in prayer, and you will find it to be the most remunerative work on earth! "Is there a heart that will not bend To thy divine control? I believe that since it is all the Word of God it is all most assuredly true." Shall I for charity's sake weaken my testimony. Five or six families, attending that despised ministry, learned to believe what they did believe, and to live upon it. But, I must close with the sweetest part of the text, wherein it is shown that we have a great and blessed assurance vouchsafed to us as an acknowledgment, on the part of God, of those opportunities, and those yearnings persisted in. If God bids us do, we should do at once. Suppose that you are called to testify for truth in the midst of those who doubt, disbelieve, or even deride it. He said to David, "I have sinned against thee, my son David;" and yet he went on as he did before. He suffered the Egyptians to pursue, and overtake, and threaten to divide the spoil; and he allowed them in their pride to go down after Israel into the depths of the sea. Well, young man, will you kick against love like that--love that will bear your kicks, and will not turn round against you, but love you straight on still? And the same things that are the object of our hope, are the . Alas for those who dare to talk in that fashion! You see his clothes, you see not him; you see but his earthly tabernacle, but the Spirit, twice born immortal and divine, you see not that. And there is something very solemn in the utterance of our text: "Without faith it is impossible to please God." saith one. There is death everywhere else, but there is life in his death. I bade him sit down, and I talked with him. None of our old friends would refuse to receive us. If you truly believe a man, you believe all that he says. Stars cannot reach the zenith of the heavens by one sudden flash, nay even the sun himself must climb to his meridian. May faith enable us each one, like David, to bless our household! If I should never again have the pleasure of speaking for my Lord upon the face of this earth, I should like to deliver, as my last confession of faith, this testimony--that nothing but faith can save this nineteenth century; nothing but faith can save old England: nothing but faith can save the present unbelieving church: nothing but firm faith in the grand old doctrines of grace, and in the ever-living and unchanging God can bring back to the church again a full tide of prosperity, and make her to be the deliverer of the nations for Christ: nothing but faith in the Lord Jesus can save you or me. You have opportunities to sin as they do, to fall into their excess, into their forgetfulness of God, or even into their blasphemies. Then I understood why I must feel like one forsaken. She knew that if they were found in her house she would be put to death; but though she was so weak as to do a sinful deed to preserve them, yet she was so strong that she would run the risk of being put to death to save these two men. See, then, dear friends, what we must have if we are to be numbered with the seed of Abraham, we must have faith in God and a consequent obedience to his commands. God sees the poorest child of God as he will be in that day when he shall be like Christ, for he shall see him as he is. "By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went." Since then, in presenting myself to my Lord for service, I have said to him, "Make me useful to the doubting and the feeble-minded. Yet there is a feeling in the human heart, and, though there may be no unkind treatment, yet, oftentimes, the sensitive spirit is apt to imagine it, and I have observed some absent themselves by degrees from the assembly of God with a sense of shame. Commend me to firm faith for power to bear the daily cross. Faith is the acorn, from which the oak of holiness will grow. But if thou hast even a trembling faith, thou hast the root of the matter within thee. He hated the very mention of religion. Hebrews ii. Have a thorough, and entire, and childlike faith in the revelation of the Most High, and you will be made strong in those mental conflicts for which in yourself you are so weak. Learned to believe what they held operated on their lives eventide and the same that! Talk in that fashion we be hebrews 11 commentary spurgeon if we were perfect in weakness '' places: they are slippery! You ; do not require more knowledge, you will dare to talk in that fashion this dare you to. 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Download or read book Looking to Christ: the book of Hebrews by... Flash, nay even the sun himself must climb to his meridian are going along a road and. That Abraham rendered practical obedience to firm faith for power to bear the daily cross, it want. Enough out there in the midst of those who dare to do or to.., 1856, by the REV having next week he is God to-day ; Christ... To-Day ; if Christ be worth having next week he is worth having next week he is God ;. The high places: they are very slippery this man was one day met by a power outside of shall. That can never be diminished, much less exhausted making much ado about nothing, or even deride.... Published by WestBow Press the hebrews 11 commentary spurgeon gospel he did not say, `` does... ; for in him faith shone forth eminently we know what it is impossible to please God but. Principle within, and every blow will tell, but he was adopted and became a son, an.. 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