hollowshade moor war

I target her from the road, then run around the back and cast on her she warps through the wall onto me, and can be safely killed without interference from the other owlbears. If this happens, Sonic Defenders will appear at the caves you should be in front of. To start the war, just kill the named mob in one of the three camps. Just south of the vendors that are near the Shar Vahl zone line is where you'll find all the enemies 10 - 15 in the zone. I agree that if you start it, you should finish it and be courteous to others in the zone. Depths of Darkhollow Prophecy of Ro The Serpent's Spine The Buried Sea Secrets of Faydwer Seeds of Destruction Underfoot House of Thule Veil of Alaris Rain of Fear Call of the Forsaken The Darkened Sea The Broken Mirror Empires of Kunark Ring of Scale The Burning Lands Gnome Memorial Mountain Torment of Velious Claws of Veeshan Terror of Luclin You can control the direction of the war by taking out the leaders of each camp and defeating the attackers or defenders. Now they have 2 of the camps in the zone and just need the south one. I have been told that there is some magic system to force the correct invasion to happen; but watching the person who claimed this, the wrong invasion happened three times in a row, so I assume this is false. Nothing in the zone can see invis, so it may just be possible to invis a group in to kill at the named spawn point; in the east cave, I can pretty much guarantee 2 or possibly 3 adds, depending on timing. Each camp has one static point at which a named mob can spawn; the north cave has two of these (one in each of the two end caverns). For the next . I did that today after DoD patch, and nothing happened A wiz joined me and tried to trigger it as he used to do, but he said it was bugged. The Hollowshade War provides an opportunity for several named with desirable loot. More info to come as I live here now. Hollowshade Moor. another massive zone in Luclin with a giant level spread. Then three sonic wolf defenders will spawn; kill these I think they can summon as well, but it is possible that they dont. Attackers from the north and east leave from the caves, but attackers from the south spawn on the sandy spur in the lake by the east wall. ok, here is some info to the war, from what i have found: i havent confirmed yet, but my belief is, ok, say the wolves r in E and N and grims in S. since no bears, S advances its home race, grimlings. this part is PURE speculation, feel free to input/feedback/theories or facts of your own. A number of decent mid range weapons can be found here: a +5 wis 1HB, a 2HB with dot/debuff proc, several piercers, and an average 1HS. I started soloing it with my beastlord in my very low 50s. owlbear screechmaw, East Cave: to hunt anywhere but near the edges. Nothing in the zone can see invis, so it may just be possible to invis a group in to kill at the named spawn point; in the east cave, I can pretty much guarantee 2 or possibly 3 adds, depending on timing. explorers in their territory. Click here for the full list. I'm not sure if they can replicate the Hollowshade War mechanics but a war-like mission or raid would be sweet. Scarflank Although if you kill the main mobs in the zone (named & higher lvl mobs) this may start the war faster because the other mobs in the zone sense a "weakness" in their enemines. So, yes, it still works. I am supposed to report to Rittuh which is found in the Vah Shir outpost in Hollowshade Moor for my Beastlord Claw quest however when going there, the outpost is over run with Grimmlings and has been all day. Most creatures will group up and have very large aggro radii, so if you are low level you will likely need a group to hunt here safely. He sometimes resists both Splurt and Bond of Death, which are generally never resisted; life taps seemed to always land. The entrance to Shar Vahl is located at 1200, 3000. I've seen bile drop as a rare drop too. Also, as with all the class-specific quests in Shar Vahl, it requires that a young Vah Shir focus on a specific tradeskill. Sometimes you need to kill one or more placeholders to get the named NPC to spawn. In the moor outside Shar Vahl, three warring factions fight for possession of the land. So I manage to get the owlbears in control and farm out about 3 stacks via PBAEing all that I can in a short amount of time. Then race to the outpost. I have also found, that if a faction loses their own base camp, but is in another area, and takes over whole zone in the end, but takes their home camp back last, then the final named will pop. I was doing progressive quest when a high level sent me a tell to loot it at the fort because I was the only other one in the zone. I need a drop from the mystics, apparently. All of these four points can be occupied at various times and different combinations by the three factions (owlbears, sonic wolves and grimlings). They maintain several small settlements in Hollowshade Moor, and now fight a continual war with the owlbears and sonic wolves of the region. You can just wait and a zone message will pop up telling you that one group is attacking another. I'm not sure if the zone goes back to normal automatically, but i had time to take out the leader (or PH) of all three camps twice before taking out the main mob that takes over the merchant camp. Did a search for hollowshade moor, then dropped the moor and didn't see it, even went looking in other forums. When it comes to planting tomatoes, the first step is choosing the right variety for your climate and soil type. A number of decent mid range weapons can be found here: a +5 wis 1HB, a 2HB with dot/debuff proc, several piercers, and an average 1HS. We see the grimlings invaders come down from the mountain but then they disappear..:(( no smithing.. I should point out that the owlbear smithing drops are also available in Paludal (but in a very small quantity); I am not sure about the wolf ones. The Vah Shir have emerged as the most vital and culturally active race on the moon. To get the grimling Prince Garzemort, start by killing the sonic wolf cave packleader; for Gnarlik, start with the owlbear denmaster. The hardest is the grimling Prince, who is extremely magic resistant. Choosing the Right Variety This certainly clears up any questions I had with this zone. I thought for a minute that EQAtlas.com had dropped the ball, but it was just this war after all. To my knowledge those items only drop when the War is on! As far as the Perfect Owlbear Pelts go, Hollowshade Moor is definitely your best bet. RE: Zone broken for low-level questers after revamp. feather, perfect pelt, wailing substance all drop from the owlbears when they control the islands to the south (assuming the owlbears are in control of the isalnds). Soon to come, all drops, and pics. So there was one glitch, so what? Prince Skriatat (I have not seen a different named here yet) Keep on doing this every 12 minutes until the owlbears attack. One time, with only the owl cave and wolves left, the owls attacked the sonic wolves three times in a row, then finally the wolves attacked the owls so I could get camp takeover, there was no one else in the zone and I didnt attack anything, which is why I still consider the war random. I have also heard that you can aggro an attacker and pull it into the winning area, but I havent been able to succeed with this. The earliest level you can come to this zone is around level 10 but things are going to be a little difficult if you do. On top of that, the sonic wolves are unaffected by camouflage or invisibility, and can pick out even hidden explorers in their territory. In hollowshade again today and another person claimed to be able to control the war. The Hollowshade War is the ongoing tribal battle for control of the Hollowshade Moor by the inhabitants of the zone: the owlbears in the north, the sonic wolves in the east, and the grimlings in the south. so if u attack in E, so grims r in S and E and bears in N, then killing in N will advance ITS home race, the bears. These summon, backstab, and use Strong Poison on you. The owlbears are all mostly in their upper 20s so if you're coming here right at 25 you'll need to be a bit careful. hrm!?!?!? Did a search for hollowshade moor, then dropped the moor and didn't see it, even went looking in other forums. Aside from TBL, I redid the paths in Shadeweaver's Thicket and Hollowshade Moor. Hollowshade Moor Allakhazam Zone Information. Sony just reprogrammed this zone danger! From Fort Vancouver Yellow Pear to Santa Anna, these, Start Gardening This Summer and Reap the Rewards | Successful Harvesting for Beginners, Gardening is a rewarding experience that brings with it many benefits, from improved physical and mental health to the joy of harvesting fresh produce. Okhere is my two cp. If you kill the normal entry guards (bodyguards/guardians) first, you should be able to kill defenders from one end. All rights reserved. A lot of good items here, even for higher levels. Once one camp has been taken over, invasions are automatically triggered at random every 12 minutes; these are usually, but not always, unresisted. Thief, Moor Tortoise, Owlbear Cub, Owlbear Grappler, Owlbear Razorbeak, Hollowshade Moor lies in the foothills of the Tenebrous Mountains to the north, separating them from the Vah Shir city of Shar Vahl. Defenders are all perma-rooted. If you move quick, you have time to kill some wolves and the named/PH here - Ghowlik -- this is OPTIONAL and has no impact on the war. There used to be a sticky in this forum or the quest forum about the War and how to manipulate it. As well as the common mobs, a named hopper, Dirtchomp, and a named beetle, Gorehorn, can spawn. 5 Timing is again variable, but within 2-5 minutes one of 2 things will happen: 5a (best case) The owlbears will attack the sonic wolves. I had previously done the quest in anticipation of this tradeskill route. When a named mob in the outpost is killed, the zone resets back to its normal state. As it now is, it serves several purposes: as an experience and quest zone for young Vah Shir (14-30); a source for high level smithing components; probably the most exciting mid-level raid zone; and a zone for 49+ people to solo farm interesting drops (many of which are no drop). may want to check it out friend. Skriat`Chakku is light blue to a 52 and probably around level 35. It's a zone that I have cursed many a time in the past, but that's changed now that the war script is fixed. This cycle can be over in 25 minutes; at times, it has taken close to 90 minutes if the luck of the random number generator was against me. The war seems to be working now. As others have stated though you can force the fighting by killing the named at one of the camps. Your druid should own this. I was looking for the Owlbear skin for my Rallic Pack quest and I was stymied when I found those stupid no-owlbear-skin-droppin' Sonic Wolves in both those caves. sonic packleader/Ghowlik In My (Not Always) Humble Opinion, except where I quote someone. Anyhow, just a reminder to everyone to be fair with this. Hollowshade Moor would be cool. Luckily though you can pull just about every owlbear in the northern cave single which makes this a pretty decent location to hunt, all things considered. The commonest drop is the owlbear bone club, but both the +5 CHA cap and the polished owlbear beak piercer is common. After a server reset, every so often one camp will attack another and try to take it over. Here are the simplest steps to achieve this: If you don't get your eye, or want more, start again from #1. War Script was broke when they did all the post patch patching for Depths of Darkhollow. Hollowshade Moor is one of the most entertaining zones in the game provided you arent attempting to gain experience there. He sometimes resists both Splurt and Bond of Death, which are generally never resisted; life taps seemed to always land. Further details on the Hollowshade Moor drops needed. The Hollowshade War is the ongoing tribal battle for control of the Hollowshade Moor by the inhabitants of the zone: the owlbears in the north, the sonic wolves in the east, and the grimlings in the south. The defenders are always stronger and will win unless you kill them first. I have seen someone pull the named through the roof of the cave, but I dont know if this is still possible. Text last updated: 02/22/02 Aggro them, and they will turn to you. The entrance to Shar Vahl is located at 1200, 3000. This one was new to me, and works quite well. By waiting for the right group to set out and helping them to win, you can arrange for any combination of two groups in the three camps. I have done the whole "kill the named" mobs and this did nothing for me. Showing 25 out of 120. Finally once you reach level 25 - 30 you'll want to move to the final hunting location in this zone - which is the northern most owlbear caves. You cannot start the war, it simply starts on its own with a zone message. LDoN: Just the end rooms of each mission, some of these are really unique. Then i noticed no zonewide emotes either. IE., the defenders wouldn't spawn when grimlings were attacking. The Heretics had chosen to study necromancy, . I've done the war solo a few times and I've come to a quick, easy pattern that lets me force a win for whatever side I want within about 15-20 minutes. Hollowshade was a painful zone for low level Vah Shir players; it had drops that were required for their trade skill based weapon quests, which were even underpowered for the day. Here's my "guide" if you will, to doing the zone war. Hollowshade Moor lies in the foothills of the Tenebrous Mountains to But to get the most out of your tomato plants, its important to understand the basics of planting and caring for them. Hmmmmysteriousafter i post this the defenders pop verdant must have been listening in. Once the three at the front are down, take out the spiritists. This named grimling will drop one of two things. I get the owlbears to take over most everything then I go and kill the grimling leader at one of the caves and the stupid grimlings go and start an invasion and win which doesn't make any sense at all since they should be the ones being taken over, not the owlbears! I second this. Is the list that was gathered on EQtraders. Gorehorn GL to you all. Myself (necromancer) went with there with a Magi, warrior, and a sk. owlbear fleshrender/?? The same approach, with a different starting point, can result in each of the three groups winning. He's surrounded by quite a few aggressive owlbears of lower level you will need to kill to get to him. Hollowshade Moor lies in the foothills of the Tenebrous Mountains to the north, separating them from the Vah Shir city of Shar Vahl. The named mob that spawns is typically level 35ish (dark blue to 40, light blue to 52), and as soon as it is killed, the zone returns back to normal. Remapped large portions of The Hive and recolored the layers to make it easier to see how the different areas connect. Gardening is a great way to spend time outdoors and get in touch with nature. The war is started by players, and continues until one faction holds all three camps, at which point it will take over the outpost. WOW! - You can reach Hollowshade Moor a multitude of ways. These summon, backstab, and use Strong Poison on you. If they despawn or are killed by another it will disrupt the spawn and break the end spawn. The grimlings will be the hardest to defeat, but they dont have wanderers pathing through the defenders area. The boss wolf, Gnarlik, is a reasonably easy kill. full scale battle between the groups, with the Vah Shir intent on protecting You can trigger the war to start by killing the names. Some people forget that when you help one faction of this war win over another you miss out on the items that the named of that mob drops. Ok there is a nice little item available when the Grimlings are in control of the Owlbear cave. My theory is that this true for one of two reasons: All times are GMT-6. || Strategy It is possible that they can be spawned by killing the aggressive green beetles and rockhoppers (i.e. As soon as the chief drops (within 30 seconds), the owlbears set out, and five grimling defenders spawn. If nothing else, give warnings to the zone that once race is about to switch or the friendly merchant camp is about to get ugly Addendum to the above rant. The defending faction will spawn 3-5 defenders. You can get about 15 Wailing Substance per hour hunting the 4-spawn and 2-spawn Owlbear Cub caves in Paludal. The attackers are variously called grimling invaders, furious owlbears, and sonic wolf fiends. Either way they will fight. Odd last night I went and killed the east cave for about 30 mins then migrated over to the north cave for for about an hour or so. The write up is still there. did Owlbears. the owlbears in the south howl in frustration). Not sure about the rest you need for the quest, but with soo many of them when they control the islands, it should be a breeze. : 02/22/02 Aggro them, and works quite well best bet always ) Humble,. Fight for possession of the land front are down, take out the spiritists hardest to defeat but. & # x27 ; s Thicket and Hollowshade Moor and works quite well fight a continual war with owlbears. Hardest to defeat, but both the +5 CHA cap and the polished owlbear piercer..., furious owlbears, and now fight a continual war with the owlbears set out, they... Again today and another person claimed to be a sticky in this forum or the quest in of! Several small settlements in Hollowshade Moor is definitely your best bet war and how to it. Caves in Paludal time outdoors and get in touch with nature turn to.. More info to come as i live here now n't see it, you should be in front.. 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