introduction to psychology textbook

Each chapter presents two close-ups on research well articulated and specific examples of research within the content area, each including a summary of the hypotheses, methods, results, and interpretations. Chapter 11: This chapter was about as comprehensive as it is in the textbook I currently use. This is an advantage over commercial texts; however, these links are not always easily accessible via the pdf, WORD, downloaded versions. It definitely provides an accurate overview of the field. behaviorism, psychodynamic, Piaget's cognitive development) but fails to adress some of the more modern theories (e.g. The questions posed appear to be sufficiently provocative and relevant. I think students will like it. Stress is included in the chapter on Emotion and Motivation, which perhaps negates the need for a separate chapter (since stress is a major component of health psychology). Some of the images seem a bit odd with respect to formatting (small, offset to the left, leaving a lot of white space to the right). However, in Figure 3.10 frontal lobe location is more clear and consistent with other texts. The consistent reference to research and scientific literature was helpful and would allow students understand the importance of scientific inquiry in the field. For me, the text is culturally dated (ethnocentric) based on what is not discussed and some of the examples used in the text. In the author's preface, he states that the typical length of introductory psychology textbooks serves as a detriment to student learning. There were no inconsistencies noted in this text. Chapter 8: Motivation. The word psychology comes from the Greek words psyche, meaning life, and logos, meaning explanation. The diversity of culture is somewhat lacking. Compare prices on BookScouter. Based on the amount of time given to teach an Introductory course, this book has some advantages. As well, this online resource could have more interactive online exercises for students throughout the text. The topics are arranged in an appropriate order. Table of Contents. If there were grammatical errors in the book they did not stand out. The book's clarity is strong and well-designed. There are topical areas in psychology that are ubiquitous to the field. I feel that an inclusion of current criticisms (e.g. Several reference links did not function, suggesting that this version may need updating (see the 2.1 version mentioned earlier). The key takeaways are useful for students to review important concepts in each section. though the topic of stress, Coping and Health Psychology. In other areas (for example, cognitive processes), I found some issues with how certain aspects were described, however these are better related to clarity than accuracy (see below). I appreciate the section in chapter 6 on Parenting as an example. Of the 12 chapters that have Chapter Openers, only 3 of these used examples from outside the United States. Some missing topics include an introduction to inferential statistics (Ch. This is seen through examples used and pictures (i.e., figures predominantly presented images of white, male bodies). Furthermore, the Cognition and Intelligence chapter covers how to teach a child shape and numbers and how prior learning (i.e., memory) can interfere with problem solving but that is all regarding cognition. I did note spacing issues between words a few times in the text. The text is organized in a logical fashion, starting with analysis of behavior at the level of the cell and moving up to the final chapter, which is an analysis of behavior from a social perspective. The text provided relevant info that corresponds to APA learning standards. I have found no one text that covers every possible aspect of the standards. I was excited to see the option of having youtube videos, examples of personality tests, etc; however, ultimately they were not accessible for use. One chapter is broken down into elements which connect to one another. Organization of the text is good. The opening story of each chapter is an excellent way to engage students in the material in a very practical sense. The discussion of Bilingualism and Cognitive Development in Chapter 9 needs to be modified to include the Canadian example of French Immersion. This textbook also provides students with built-in assessment questions to test their comprehension along faculty in more Web"Feeling comfortable and safe with a therapist is an important part of beginning the healing process. Web"Feeling comfortable and safe with a therapist is an important part of beginning the healing process. Chapters could be assigned in any order to accommodate introductory psychology courses which are typically offered as two courses. Since 2014 this book has been adopted by B.C. I think that concepts were adequately defined and found the textbook easy to read. The way the text is written, new information can be added with ease. Certainly 21st century psychology is represented effectively in the book, too, so it's not just a book on the history of psych by any means. The tables are drab: black and white, small font. 2), an in-depth discussion of the application of psychological principles to the workforce, achievement motivation (Ch. The greatest weaknesses are the outdated information re: psychological disorders and diagnosis and a relatively light integration of cultural differences. When there was discussion of differences between groups of people in regard to race, sex and gender, these differences were named and yet poorly explored; therefore, readers lost opportunities to engage the material with a global view, and potentially could have formed biased or incomplete information about various groups. multidisciplinary in nature) helps to challenge students to go beyond the basic knowledge and think critically about issues in psychology. My only criticism of the interface was that there were no page numbers within the body of the book. Web"Feeling comfortable and safe with a therapist is an important part of beginning the healing process. While some sentences were awkward for introductory readers, I did not find any major grammatical issues. Chapter 4: I did not see a definition of "transduction." For instance, depression often manifests as more somatic symptoms in Asian cultures rather than sadness and despair that we tend to see in Western cultures. The devil is in the details, however. One constructive criticism would be to add a list of key terms for each section and/or chapter. In-depth information for each topic was provided and each chapter included questions that would facilitate active learning. Chapter 8: Motivation. In Chapter 13, the pie chart depicting the proportion of types of therapy practiced is from 2001, making it nearly 20 years old. It can be difficult to find someone you trust during traumatic or uncertain times in your life. We are now in the DSM-V where we do not have an Axis classification system. Chapter 14 on group behaviour does not address how culture mediates group behaviour as discussed in many other commercial texts (i.e. While I/O is not currently commonplace in other introductory texts, Stress and Health typically warrants a chapter. read more. Introduction to Psychology utilizes the dual theme of behavior and empiricism to make psychology relevant to intro students. The Learning Objectives in each section help to prepare students for what they will be learning, and the Key Takeaways following each section help to summarize concepts, but I find that it is really helpful for students to have a glossary of terms as well which would then be indexed at the back of the book. Although the author states (in the Preface) that the text contains a marginal glossary of key terms, I could not find such a glossary. The book offers a comprehensive treatment of core concepts, grounded in both classic studies and current and emerging research. The statement that "emotional IQ texts are unreliable" in summary of chapter 9 also does not seem accurate, unless unreliability is defined and also applied to intelligence IQ tests. As noted earlier, the text is very well written. I also had student complaints about not having page numbers when needed for a citation. I compared this textbook with the textbook I currently use, "Discovering Psychology, 7th edition," by Hockenbury, Nolan, and Hockenbury. Clear attempts at inclusion. Some of the content of this text is out-of-date. The writing is clear both at the micro level of individual sentences and paragraphs and at the macro level of lucid organization. Unit 2: Understanding and Using Principles of Memory, Thinking, and Learning. Introduction to Psychology, 1st Canadian Edition was adapted by Jennifer Walinga in 2014 from an American open textbook published in 2010. In this area, the book is very relevant and will have longevity. As mentioned earlier a few terms need to be changed in Chapter 12 & 13 to the new terms used in DSM V. In addition they can enhance the interactive learning process of the student by adding some videos and quizzes to the book. Success in interpersonal relations depends on a proper James Alcock and Stan Sadava have crafted a truly international social psychology book for the modern era. For example, the War of the Ghosts example on page 23 is used to illustrate Bartletts research on the cognitive and social processes of remembering. The only drawback is the relatively limited number of photos, illustrations, tables, charts, and graphs. The books strength is the clarity of the writing. The content areas are directly aligned with the learning objectives presented at the beginning of the chapter and flow into the key summary points very well. Additionally, the surgent topic of mindfulness practice is not covered nor the relevance of Neuroscience in our understanding the connection between the brain and human behavior. However, links seem to change so quickly on the internet that this is a significant issue. It was easy to read, easy to follow, and easy to move between chapters. The beginning of the chapter presents clear learning objectives, which serve as an expectational guide, and ends with a summary of key points to consider. The chapter gives a sufficient amount of information to the reader to answer the critical thinking questions posed at the end of the chapter. I want them to see it as just that. Structure of presenting each topic is the same in each chapter. Overall, I think the scope of this text was adequate for an introduction to psychology course, though I'm not sure how much updating has occurred since it was distributed in 2010. Text is missing a chapter on Health and Stress Management which highly relevant to the life of a college student. Reviewed by Kathleen Cain, Professor of Psychology, Gettysburg College on 4/21/20, The book doesn't necessarily cover every conceivable topic in psychology, but it covers all of the main subfields in psychology and presents at least a few of the central findings, concepts, and theories in each subfield. I suspect that this text may have initially been designed for use in an American one-semester introduction to psychology course. Chapter 7: Memory. My attempt was to see this textbook from the perspective of a college freshman. My attempt was to see this textbook from the perspective of a college freshman. Students are exploring their career options in the fields of Social Science. In particular, I appreciated this author's approach to human development, which tends to be a content heavy area. They can improvise some examples from Cross culture as well. The text did discuss temporally relevant examples such as current TV shows which would likely draw students in. For example, if you are seeking to provide students a broader sense of how internal emotions and cognitions along with external social events interface, you will have to create your own addendum to the chapter content. Topical areas are presented in an unbiased, factual manner; however, the exercises on critical thinking provide the student an opportunity to think more "contextually" about the information presented. In particular, an unusually low statistic of LGBTQ individuals was provided at one point and it was unclear where this information was drawn from. I also appreciated the helpful information about how to evaluate websites which is quite relevant given that students increasingly use and will use the internet to find information. WebIntroduction to Social Dreaming: Transforming Thinking (Psychology, Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy) ISBN 9781855753426 1855753421 by Lawrence, W. Gordon - buy, sell or rent this book for the best price. read more. I appreciate this textbook and would consider using it at the community college level. In comparing it with three other general psychology textbooks I have used over the years, it is equal to all of them in terms of the topics covered and the level of comprehensiveness. However, I think this modularity comes at a price. Many other commercial introductory texts have more realistic and colourful images to depict concepts throughout each chapter. Due to the nature of publication in this source, replacements of the authors name with unnamed author and publisher with unnamed publisher cause some breaks in coherence for the reader. The organization of the text is superb and consistent throughout the text. The book covers in great detail all of the chapters that would appear in a typical introduction to psychology textbook, with the exception of a chapter on stress and coping. Introduction-to-Psychology.pdf - Google Drive. A disadvantage of modularity is that flow and connectedness is compromised. The text is easy to read, has relevant visuals and easy comprehension for community college level. Chapter 5: Learning & Behavior. The smaller sections are insufficient. The inclusion of video clips on concepts, research, and applicable stories enables students to see psychology as they read through each chapter online. In particular additional content on student/worker motivation, health psychology and stress incorporating student examples would be useful. As well, I think it would be helpful to create a student guide to the text as did Houston Community College (2011)or add student glossary, index of terms to the text. However, I would use only some of the content in this textbook as This book is designed to facilitate these learning outcomes, and he has used three techniques to help focus students on behavior: Chapter Openers: Each chapter opens showcasing an interesting real world example of people who dealing with behavioral questions and who can use psychology to help them answer them. Some may be psychology majors, however most will not. Also the font in a number of the Figures is too small to read (for example, Fig. 3. Psychology is a discipline where there are recurring themes. I found it very easy to use which I believe is the absolute first step of engagement for students. In fact, the writing was quite strong. Both texts are available on the SAGE Vantage digital platform which blends quality SAGE text content with multimedia activities and Overall, I think that this textbook is absolutely appropriate for an Introductory course. The only grammar error I noted was that when discussing the work of the Harlows that the author notes they were affiliated with Wisconsin University rather than the University of Wisconsin. As an instructor and with more comprehensive understanding, the errors were minimally noticeable; nothing observed was falsely reported, simply lacking as comprehensive discussion as possible. Similarly, in Chapter Six (Growing and Developing) there is less focus on gender development, aging well, and later adult development with no reference to systems theory/bioecological theory in development (i.e. The text presents some recent research in the area of neuroscience but it needs more, otherwise it risks becoming obsolete in the next few years. When images arent small and left justified, they are very large images of prominent psychologists which Im not sure are helpful or necessary (size, not overall inclusion). Moreover, instead of devoting an entire chapter to memory, the textbook discusses it at the end of the Indirect Learning chapter. Introduction-to-Psychology.pdf - Google Drive. Five or ten years from now, he does not expect his students to remember the details of most of what he teaches them. The chapter lengths were really remarkable for what was covered; they were chunked out in a manner that were short to read and that encouraged engagement with the text. There are 14 chapters in total giving a There are multiple other examples that would require the instructor to update this information so that the students are learning the most accurate material. The author did a good job of including timely and important research. The Contents at the beginning are hyperlinked (e.g., in PDF and iBook formats), making it easy to navigate to different sections. Now, you don't have to believe us. Additionally, the open nature of the text automatically lends itself to easy updating and customization. As noted in question 11 highlighting Canadian researchers Canadian researchers on topics discussed in text. Instead, this chapter discusses bystander effect which is a tangential topic at best. There is no mention of the role that discrimination plays in perpetuating some of these differences. Terminology well defined and used in a consistent fashion Author's dual theme of behavior and empiricism flows well throughout his work. While there are, only 3 of them came from Ainsworths initial research. ; Chapter 9 on Intelligence is intelligence nature or nurture? For example, Chapter 4 explains how the trichromatic theory and opponent-process theory of color vision are correct, but the author could elaborate by explaining what part of the visual process each theory best explains. The content appears to be accurate and error-free. All of the sections have clear content, great graphs and visuals, and stories pertinent to the subject matter. I especially appreciated the organization of the developmental chapter by increasing age rather than theorist. The research foci also emphasize the fact that findings are not always predictable ahead of time (dispelling the myth of hindsight bias), and also help students understand how research really works. Several areas lack depth, which is understandable for an introductory text, but many also seem to lack cultural breadth and could be strengthened by adding more contemporary perspectives. From Wikibooks, open books for an open world. It maintains the consistency and the flow throughout the book. The textbook incorporated various elements of cultural relevance. Introduction to Psychology utilizes the dual theme of behavior and empiricism to make psychology relevant to intro students. Recurring themes concepts, grounded in both classic studies and current and emerging research and diagnosis and a light. 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