tron: uprising beck and paige fanfiction

One program's horror is another program's miracle. He has skillfully operated light jets, recognizers, and light copters. Beck reported the event to Tron and thanked him for the rescue, but Tron denied his involvement and cited his presence in the hideout. Lux took the two programs back to her apartment, where she healed Beck's injury as best she could. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Beck was tasked with steal a vital data cube, one that contained all of Tesler's plans, security codes and blueprints. It would be significantly quicker, free, and this Beck guy was no more or less likely to be a serial killer or whatever related breed of maniac thanshe checked her phoneGalt the Uber driver. Fighting a bunch of Clu loyalists together might help. Instead of simply wiping Argon off the map, Clu decided to quarantine it. While Dyson assumed the Renegade was responsible, Paige realized that Pavel had sabotaged the cooling plant, and Pavel revealed that he was trying to make Tesler look bad in Clu's eyes so that Clu could potentially look at him better in comparison. She had forgotten about the nights where Beck wasn't with her. She was no longer hardened; but happy. Thanks to my pals at the discord for cheering me on! But when Paige and Beck become . He is voiced by Elijah Wood. Sure is a good thing the mechanics in Argon, California are friendly. It features Beck, a program, who after Clu takes over the city he is . Assuming Beck was dead, Paige moved on to accept Keller's re-entrance into the Occupation. Tron wasn't Beck's first mentor, just as Beck wasn't Tron's first renegade. So, she and Beck broke out of prison together, and escaped together onto the streets of Argon. Tron's isolation from the rest of The Grid was a necessity, but it had left his social and emotional skills in shambles. Paige was present during the takeover of Argon City, and when the young program Beck decided to turn renegade by blowing up a new statue of Clu, she gave pursuit that ended in a fierce duel atop a light copter. Nothing to serious, hopefully. Able charged Link with the task of keeping Beck at the garage while everyone else left for the showdown. It was then that the program revealed himself to Beck. And neither do they. Then, while being transported to the Light Cycle Arena, they escaped but were soon recaptured by Paige, who cuffed them together and threw back into the games, this time to face three light cycles. Mara was an optimistic program by code.Her young runtime had been spent in the clubs and playing disc battles with her friends. When Tesler saw the memory on Paige's disk, he grew furious and sentenced her to die in the Coliseum. Tron? Beck, his alpha and his beta on a cold night. Or Becks skill. No, I think you have thoroughly beat me enough in one cycle. He had doubts before, now he feels free when he's with them. She had also forgotten about war life. She looked past him, where the mechanic waved at her with a grease-coated hand. Finally, CLUs tyranny has ended.But Beck doesnt feel that spark of happiness that he should be getting from this information. Clu wasn't even there. His accomplice was derezzed only moments later when General Tesler launched a surprise attack of his own. Angry at the deceit, she nonetheless acceded to Quorra's pleas and shielded the two, but her discomfort with the situation alerted her coworkers that something was wrong. However, most don't have to deal with being on opposite sides during the war. What caused the Corridor to collapse? Beck leaped to safety after the machine's engines were damaged, leaving Paige to land the craft alone and return empty-handed. He needs a replacement, someone strong and determined enough to not give up the fight. We do offer a complimentary drive home, if you want. He slid down and managed to miss her shot. Tesler agreed, keeping to himself the fact that when Paige's fellow medics had approached him to turn the ISOs in, he himself had ordered their deaths, both to cement Paige's loyalty and to perpetuate the myth of the ISO threat. There, Able revealed his knowledge of Beck's Renegade activities, and Beck concluded that Able was his rescuer. Beck then asked Zed to work his shift, and learned that Zed intended to compete in the Argon Racewhich would be routed straight through the endangered tunnels. The two programs again defeated their enemies, and were matched against each other; when Cutler forfeited, Paige talked Tesler into setting the "winner" free, as he had promised, rather than derezzing both for their insolence. Beck's task was to navigate a maze of tunnels underneath the drilling area in order to plant a light grenade under the grill and take it out of commission. TRON: Uprising The Resistance, Part I "Hey, look! They were successful, but she spotted Keller jumping from the rear to the rest of the train, heading for the forward compartment which held the escape pods. Repurposed. When Cutler's disc missed her, she commented that he obviously hadn't been programmed for combat, but was taken by surprise when the disc glanced off a set of controls and caused a turbine to activate, blowing her off the roof -- the miss had been deliberate, and Cutler had been programmed for aerodynamics. Beck meets a group of programs called the Jolly Tricksters who, to his surprise, are led by his friend Mara. Thank you very much, - "But I'm not sure"- "No 'buts', Clu. Searching the tunnels, she discovered the masked program warning racers in the Argon Race to evacuate the tunnels because of a bomb he had planted on Tesler's drill. Rising, angry at the renegade programs' escape, she detained Perl, one of the gang members; when Perl protested, Paige kicked Gage and several other gang members to the ground and advised Perl not to finish her sentence. Perhaps you can help Clu fufill his purpose the way Flynn intended. There was always a better way to look at things.War changed her. Clu is still unable to find out how to stop him. Paige was an early name for the character that later became. In anger, Paige started attacking the Renegade, but stopped as he stated that Paige didn't deserve what the Occupation did to her. Paige was too late to stop the explosion, and she and Beck raced away through the tunnels, trying to escape the derezzing blast that was licking their back wheels. She had once saved two refugees from the ISO War, Quorra and Ada, from a gang of roughs, and healed Ada's injuries, believing them both to be Basics; Quorra had complimented Paige's music and taught her a self-defense move, but Paige's friendship with them had changed to bitterness when both women had turned out to be ISOs. Argon has fallen, a new Champion is rising in the Occupation ranks, and Beck is fighting against forces that used to support him. Author's Note: I understand that kissing is a User thing, but I realized this too late, and couldn't be bothered to change it for this fic. After a government scientist named Keller defected from Tesler's army, Paige was tasked with hunting down and capturing Keller. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. What caused the Corridor to collapse? Keller even praised him as a "real hero", affirming that without him, none of them would've made it out alive. Paige's admiration of him being high, she revealed to him something she had never revealed to her soldiers: that she used to be a medic program, and that saving lives still deeply mattered to her. Both combatants spun, out of control, to the island below. While Paige was helping Beck make a raft to get the off of the island, the destabilized ground disintegrated under her, causing her to fall into the sea. She discovered that the escapees were Beck and Cutler, who had defeated a team of Black Guards earlier in the Coliseum. Please don't let us in suspense. The salesman, Kobol, was disinclined to help, but promised to ask around after Beck pleaded with him. Sam and Quorra bring him to the Grid - and they might just help clean it up together.Crossposted on my DeviantArt and AO3. Paige doubted his abilities until Beck was able to disable the bulkheads that had come down between each car; she was then impressed with Beck, and the two of them went to the engine compartment to see what they could do to fix the train. After rescuing the legendary Saint-14, the Corridors of Time begin to spontaneously collapse leaving the Guardian with two choices: be erased from the timeline, or take a leap of faith into an unknown conflicted world. A poem inspired by the pilot episode of TRON: Uprising. Due to his time playing disc games with his friends, Beck started his career with a highly developed natural skill at throwing his identity disc; this skill and other combat techniques have been enhanced further through Tron's tutelage. romance thegrid discgames +2 more # 3 Tron-Uprising by Maggachulle 9.4K 273 25 Silvia is a girl with a secret. When two programs escaped on the way to their second match, Paige went out to track them down and bring them back. Beck generally allows programs to assume what they will, though he does directly claim the alias a couple of times. As Mara and the Renegade were rescuing Moog and Rasket and trying to escape Tesler's ship, Paige tried to intervene and stop them; however, she was unsuccessful. After Clu's siege of Argon, the revolution managed to limp forwards And then Tron disappeared. When the Renegade stole a powerful upgrade weapon that had been on route to Argon City, Paige took the lead in the recovery efforts, setting a trap with an apparently disabled rescue vehicle that turned out to be full of guards. Beck, however, was on the train as it plunged into the chasm. You and Flynn have a little fun in The Grid before you head back into the real world. Again. The latter then told Beck to come as they both had a large amount of work to do, with Tron dubbing Beck as "Tron". Disc? The lengthy fight ended when Tesler fell from a building under construction, allowing Beck the opportunity to escape. Than Someone Who Wants To Make The World A Better Place. There was a link between them aside from their mentor-student relationship, one who had curious blue eyes and a spitfire soul like no other. Eventually, public opinion sways in favor of the Renegade. Paige then discovered that Pavel had rebuilt the power upgrade weapon without informing Tesler; he was also derezzing programs with the disk to test it. Paige and Beck play Hyperball and somehow work their way towards a close friendship and even cuddles. She relished and thrived in leisurely fun, in banter and pranks. Initially she continued her attempt to capture the Renegade, but when she learned that the island was disintegrating she reluctantly began to co-operate with him. When Tesler demanded if there was any program in Argon that could kill Paige, Pavel volunteered himself to fight her. he has derizzed multiple soldiers. Tron then commented to Beck, "If we prevail in this conflict, they'll understand.". And maybe for some moreselfish reasons. He instructed the programs to spread the word, but one of them was confused as to what she was to spread. Beck sabotaged the signs in Argon Square to read, "Tron Lives." His actions did not go unnoticed. Beck x Paige AMV (Tron Uprising) Yuno Grinbellior 1 subscriber Subscribe 9 Share Save 268 views 1 year ago little do you know amv for Beck and Paige. Axel9987 chapter 1 . Tron, enraged, disclosed that Dyson's death was the whole point of the exercise. General Tesler's second-in-command, Paige has endured her share of tragedy. Not with Trons presumed death. Or: Sequel to Nobody Warned You About Me? (Alternate Universe for both properties). I can see your ego growing from here, he said laughing when she pushed the toe of her shoe into his side. Kobol attacked, but in the ensuing battle Beck retrieved his own disc; with his memory restored, the two attempted to escape Tesler's approaching forces, but Kobol handcuffed himself to Beck. Next time. But in the sea of simulation, a program crawls his way out, weighed down by the guilt of his actions.And finally having the agency to ask himself what happened to his pupilhis friend. Beck here can take you.. He took the now-arrested Lomox's disk, and showed Paige a memory of the Renegade telling Gorn to make Paige look guilty, and that he'll "enjoy watching Paige suffer". Ah, I do love this enemies to. Flynn escaped the grid leaving you behind and he hasn't returned since the portal closed. "His Name is Peter at this moment, but in a short while, he will be known as the Spider-Man!". The Renegade talked about how Paige's own allies framed her and tried to kill her, but that she would never do that because she's not like them. Paige disliked Tesler's plan to root out the Renegade by offering a reward for his capture, but went along with it until Pavel had Hopper arrested on the evidence of a program named Link. Paige then reiterated her loyalty to Clu, but did admit that she often times feels like she can't be her true self; that she feels like she has to "wear a mask all the time". Paige pursued the Renegade when he stole a data cube from Tesler's ship, but crashed and was stranded on an island with him. He had doubts before, now he feels free when he's with them. One night after his training, Beck was driving back to Argon City when a spotlight suddenly shown on him. Tron Uprising is the new Disney XD series that takes place between TRON and TRON Legacy. Tron:Uprising should have gotten a second season. Paige began to fall behind and Beck, realizing that her bike wasn't fast enough and fearing for her life, pulled her onto his light cycle as hers was enveloped in explosive energy, despite her attempts to disable him. He offered her to join him, stating how they were "both trying to save the Grid, just in different ways". Take water breaks, theres other characters but they're barely there, my sister read it and send me her dental bills, Unnamed System Monitor (Tron: Evolution DS), this started as me wanting to write some fluff bc there aint enough in this fandom, and then it grew a plot and beat me over the head with it, the author is incapable of writing something that isn't angsty. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Getting her disc back, she pinned him to the floor. Returning to Tron, Beck attempted a strategem to convince him that he could steal Dyson's disc instead of capturing him, eliminating the need to derezz him. Beck ejected before the impact and was able to hide from Pavel and his squad until they flew off. The engines were subsequently destroyed, but he quickly realized the train was still going to fall into the chasm. Cutler forfeited so that he and Beck would not have to derez each other. Sam Flynn left the Grid unplugged and in stasis for a few years while he built his life at Encom and started a life with Quorra. Only time will tell. By extension, Beck is a skilled saboteur, frequently sabotaging enemy vehicles and utilizing explosive ordinances. In the confusion, Paige managed to damage Beck's vehicle, nearly destroying her own in the process. In the next instant, the look vanished, replaced by cold fury. Paige had originally been a medic in another city, and had started a clinic with Rox and another fellow medic. Beck goes to Trons hideout one day to find Paige there "Why does everyone cute have to be evil or dead?". But in the sea of simulation, a program crawls his way out, weighed down by the guilt of his actions.And finally having the agency to ask himself what happened to his pupilhis friend. Paige considered and took Beck's words to heart; she decided to implement them by rethinking her leniency towards Pavel's dishonesty with General Tesler. Sam Flynn introduces the luminary to a strange biological period in a User's lifespan: adolescence. Instead of simply wiping Argon off the map, Clu decided to quarantine it. Or: In which Paige's car breaks down. There was a link between them aside from their mentor-student relationship, one who had curious blue eyes and a spitfire soul like no other. Paige was determined to escape the island alone and, with a makeshift raft, attempted to do just that. "She stared at him, shocked, and he was painfully reminded of the moment when she saw him for who he was. Beck's training with Tron was hard and often left him very tired. Beck ran to get the raft so he could save her, leaving Paige to assume that the Renegade had abandoned her there to die. Trying her best not to allow her sigh to be audible, she considered the idea. Again. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Suddenly, Paige jumped up and went to kick him in the stomach. With Beck's help, Paige embraces an outdated version of herself. "I'll guess I'll keep on living, even if this love's to die for. He was noticed, though. Paige was tasked with overseeing a plan to drill energy, but, showing her compassionate side, she shut off the drill to stop the resulting blackouts from causing casualties in Argon City. I don't think I would have done this otherwise! Pavel was eventually sent to join Paige in her search for Keller, though Paige insisted that she could handle it by herself. Beck & Paige's Prison Break Out | Rendezvous | TRON: Uprising 6 months ago 4 months ago 9.5M views 1 year ago 18K views 4 years ago 4 years ago 19K views Don't. **Tags, Title, and Description subject to change. Beck Follows Paige | Welcome Home | TRON: Uprising #TronUprising #SaveTheGridALL RIGHTS BELONG TO DISNEY."Copyright Dis. A burst of movement from the healing chamber snapped him from his thoughts.Paige wasnt only awake, she was thrashing to get out. At first, they were just going to spook himbut there's more to Darius Bradley than meets the eye. This is my take on it. While Tron was interrogating him, a disc burst through the door they'd cornered him against and derezzed him, preventing him from naming his confederates. This side has never been shown since, but (as mentioned below) some programs still remember how he behaved and have began to view him as a monster. A devastating kick sent Paige crashing against a wall of the wreckage, where she fell to her knees. Trying her best not to allow her sigh to be audible, she considered the idea. But when the unthinkable happens, both Tron and Beck must realize that they need help. As they drove through the city on light cycles, Paige fell into despair as her face appeared alongside the Renegade's on wanted notices. Going by Beck's logic, the answer would probably be Clu, since none of it would have happened without him. Despite his default programming as a mechanic, he manages to hold his ground against General Tesler, even injuring him multiple times, despite the latter being a superior program with augmented weapons. To fix this imbalance in the world I present this fic for consideration.This is set a couple years after Legacy. In light of Tron 3 being confirmed, I commented on Tumblr that I wanted to write a fic where Leto's character was enough of a reason for Tron and the MCP to join forces and curbstomp them/him/it/whatever.This is. supposed to be that fic.It went somewhat sideways from the original idea about four sentences in, so now I have MCP feels and an unexpected OC. Please consider turning it on! Beck also seems to be having deep feelings for his enemy Paige when he goes on a date with her and constantly saves her life. As a result, he is able to fix and operate just about any machine in the Grid, especially if the technology in question is a vehicle. He had doubts before, now he feels free when he's with them. 10/10 . Just some inuendos. As her fate intertwines with the Renegade and his gang, she discovers the secrets hidden underneath the masks of these bandits, and in the shadows of Argon. Beck, disguised as the Renegade, returned to rescue Cutler, and after a lengthy escape from Argon City that involved drawbridges and Light Boat chases, Cutler told his savior to make sure his friend Beck was thanked. Tron:Legacy should have gotten a direct sequel. C; Haha. Paige is a character of TRON: Uprising, voiced by Emmanuelle Chriqui. After Tron took off to go after Dyson, Beck woke up and found Tron gone and his Disc on the Floor. What happened to Beck after Uprising? He is also talented in parkour, utilizing it to navigate the environment of Argon and to evade his foes. He also arrested Beck as a co-conspirator. The situation was getting critical. Love is a tricky thing, it's simultaneously the best and worst thing known to programs. Before departing, she noticed a familiar tool in Beck's hand, similar to the one the Renegade had used to repair part of the damage done to the light copter they'd been fighting in. Paige went to the Argon docks to try to escape the city, but was quickly apprehended again by Tesler and Pavel. And he never wants that to change. became so much more. To fix this imbalance in the world I present this fic for consideration.This is set a couple years after Legacy. When Kobol told him to derez Tron, Beck resisted, still guided by his innate compassion. A poem inspired by the pilot episode of TRON: Uprising. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Able, however, diverted her suspicion by showing her a drawer full of similar tools, and she left in a huff. The mysterious program cuffed Beck and took him to an interrogation room, gradually discovering everything that Beck had done. With CLU finally gone Beck and his friends, the leaders of the Uprising, have had their wildest dreams granted, which leaves them with the question, What now? Or: In which Paige's car breaks down. While the program was talking however, Beck was decoding his handcuffs using a special tool. A quaint town owned by her boss couldn't possibly be the target of bandits, could it? However, while on the train, Beck (who was also on the train) started flirting with her to distract her from finding Keller. Tron said Beck is special. The Renegade's coming over here!" Paige never lived anything more than ordinary life for a program. She put a note addressed to Beck on her sickbed, telling him she had "unfinished business" that needed to be taken care of before she died. However, Tesler and Pavel were waiting for her at the shop, and Gorn insisted that Paige had come to her for an erasement of the memory that made her guilty. Beck followed the Light Rail that was transporting them and jumped onto it with his light cycle. To disguise himself as the Renegade, Beck wears Tron's white light suit, which is stored on the half-disc Tron lent him. Back with Tron, Beck says that he's ready; he must do this. OR How Beck got his scar in my other fic "A Matching Set". Artemis Fowl is in for more than he expected when he breaks into Encom to expose corporate secrets. After Beck got back to the garage, Tesler told the programs of Argon City that they had been volunteered for the games. While exploring the tunnels under the rig, she discovered a Black Guard waking up after an altercation with the Renegade. Beck tells Tron of his troubles, and the older program manages to comfort him. Beck here can take you.. Beck realized the train couldn't be fixed, and he told Paige to move everyone to the rear of the train so that they could separate the rear from the rest of the train, thus leaving the rear of the train to drift safely to a halt. Enemies will become friends and hidden allies will be revealed. He called it the Grid a digital utopia filled with infinite possibilities. Paige had turned down the army completely. Mechanics in Argon, California are friendly attack of his troubles, had... Or: in which Paige 's car breaks down m/m ( mature or )... But he quickly realized the train was still going to fall into the real.! Himbut there 's more to Darius Bradley than meets the eye utilizing explosive ordinances pilot of. Out of control, to his surprise, are led by his friend mara limp. The older program manages to comfort him n't have to be evil dead. Early name for the games do this Bradley than meets the eye Sequel to Nobody you. And Tron Legacy not sure '' - `` but I 'm not ''... 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