what to do on the 12 days of yule

There are both traditional songs honoring gods and goddesses, and modern hits rewritten to fit the Yule holiday. Yule | Pagan, Log, Theme, Celebration, & Facts | Britannica he Philocalian calendar of AD 354, part VI, gives a festival of NATALIS INVICTI on 25 December. Eastern Orthodox churches use a different religious calendar, so their 12 days of Christmas start on Jan. 7 and run through the Epiphany on Jan. 19. Your article about the yule log repeats a debunked theory about the date of Christmas. Most Wiccans celebrate Yule on the day of the Winter Solstice though there are exceptions to that rule. The second day of yule is typically celebrated by exchanging gifts with loved ones. This could include going for a walk in the park, visiting a christmas market, or going to see a christmas movie. Because the Winter Solstice represents the end of a year if you follow the sun, then I recommend that you do a bit of divination to see what your next year will bring. Download some shadow work prompts and dig deep into who you became during the last year, then cleanse yourself thoroughly. This can be a fun activity to do with your family or friends. Yule is a winter festival that celebrates the winter solstice. On the other hand, those with a Pagan denomination celebrate the 12 days of Yule. And yes, its the origin of the Christian 12 Days of Christmas. Focus on this time of new beginnings with your A Spotify playlist of Yule songs would be a great introduction. A holiday celebration that began in Norway, on the night of the winter solstice it was common to hoist a giant log onto the hearth to celebrate the return of the sun each year. From this point Christmas continued to overtake Yule, although some vestiges of the original celebration remain. The stump could be harvested from the surrounding estate or received as a gift, but never bought. The 12 days of Yule are celebrated from December 21 to January 1. But what is the significance of the Wheel in the Wiccan tradition? The yule log was lit on Christmas Day and burned for the following Twelve Mix a cup of vinegar with a gallon of warm water and spray down your windows, inside and out. It is generally agreed that Yule celebrations began as a Norse festival called jol, although assessments of the purpose and traditions vary. Traditionally a pig or boar would be sacrificed, then a ham would be made for the feast. In many modern Pagan communities, an emphasis is placed on the idea of helping those in need. The ancients knew that the winter solstice was the longest night of the yearand that meant that the sun was beginning its long journey back towards earth. The 12 days of Christmas are a time of celebration and of giving. After the prayer, its time to start the celebration! Yuletide is the greatest holiday festival of the year. Many of the customs and symbols associated with Yule are connected to the winter season and the natural world. The Winter Solstice is Dec 21st, and the second day of Yule starts the celebration that honors the Triple Goddess and the rebirth of the God in the form of the Sun. The eighth day of yule is typically celebrated by decorating your christmas tree. Mardi Gras 2023 (Fat Tuesday): Why Do We Celebrate Mardi Gras? Blessings ! What new things will you bring to fruition for yourself when the planting season returns? Tonight, light candles in the house to fill the home with light and hope. Here are some great Yule rituals that you can do to celebrate this winter Sabbat, either as part of a group or as a solitary. Yule is a time to celebrate the winter solstice and the return of the sun. Historically, Yule was celebrated by various Germanic and Scandinavian peoples. There are those who choose to use vacation time from work so they can have the entire yuletide off as well. Once you start looking for the connections, you wont be able to stop! There is limited evidence that this festival was celebrated before the mid-4th century. Yule, festival observed historically by Germanic peoples and in modern times primarily by Neo-Pagans, coinciding with the winter solstice (December 2122 in the Northern Hemisphere; June 2021 in the Southern Hemisphere). But whats a good Wiccan to do? Yule is an ancient winter festival that is celebrated by many cultures around the world. A popular modern take on the Yule log is a roulade-style cake decorated to look like a log. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. There is, of course, the traditional route with a slight variation. Smudge your home with one of the following: To do a smudging, start at your front door with your incense or smudge stick in a censer or bowl. If they were to celebrate in December, they would be doing it on what is the longest day in the Southern Hemisphere. Dressing for the season is a fun and festive way to prepare for the holiday. I find that its the perfect time to reflect and set my intentions, and it helps me to do money spells during Yule because I feel a sense of peace surrounding the spell instead of greed. The oldest female present should take on the role of High Priestess (HPs) to lead the ceremony. It is traditional to give gifts to family and friends during Yule. State Rundown 4/12: Tax Day 2023 A Good Reminder of the Impact of Our Collective Investments. You dont even have to have a Yule log even lighting some candles at your altar would be enough. WebA Guide to Celebrating the 12 Days of Yule - Jenn Campus The Yule season is full of magic, much of it focusing on rebirth and renewal, as the sun makes its way back to the earth. Pine cones, cinnamon, and evergreen twigs all represent nature and have protective properties. However, you can also use an outdoor firepit or you can even pull up a fireplace YouTube video if you live in an apartment. Its a chance to look ahead to the year to come and begin again. There are those who choose to use vacation time from work so they can have the entire yuletide off as well. First, set up a Yule tree near the north side of your altar. These priests would venerate mistletoe and brew it into a fertility potion/all-purpose antidote that could only be made during the darkest day of the year. Which can be viewed as each month of the preceding year in summary. This evening is to honor the male spirits that protect us. Do you have hardwood floors instead of carpet? Later, each town would host a public banquet and sacrifice animals in the name of the feast, which lasted formany days and was one of the biggest festivals of the year. This is the day for setting up the Yule Tree. With that in mind, well leave you with the lyrics of one of the Yule songs you might sing during Wiccan festivals. Yule is expected to last for twelve days which represents the twelve months of the year. In the judgement of the Church of England Liturgical Commission, this view has been seriously challenged[43] by a view based on an old tradition, according to which the date of Christmas was fixed at nine months after 25 March, the date of the vernal equinox, on which the Annunciation was celebrated. There are many traditional foods that are eaten during Yule, such as ham, turkey, potatoes, and carrots. This can be a fun activity to do with your family or friends. The first thing you need to do is set up your altar. Many churches use white as the color of Christmas. Notably, the Holly King is generally described as a woodsy figure dressed in red with sprigs of holly in his hair. You can also make christmas ornaments or other decorations to add to your tree. The 12 days of Christmas begin on Christmas Day, December 25, and last right through until January 6 - also known as Three Kings' Day or Epiphany. Some endeavour to re-create traditions of the ancient Norse by burning yule logs or with feasts. This color roots the festival in nature and also symbolizes abundance since it is the color of money. She is the author of Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch, Wicca Practical Magic and The Daily Spell Journal. Traditionally, green has been the color most commonly associated with Yule. The Twelve Days of Yule for pagans, celts, and practitioners all around the world begins on Mothers Night, Yules eve, December 20th, moving forward 12 days with the Twelfth Night ending on December 31st. She then turns to the Mother and lights the Mother's candle. Love this article? Yule is one of the oldest pagan winter solstice holidays. Now that weve cleared that up, lets get back to the festivities. The last day of Yule and the year, bless the house for protection and drive out the last of the wandering Yule spirits. What Is Yule? the Goddess changes between her maiden, mother, and crone forms, Holly has protective properties and is therefore useful for warding off bad luck or unwanted spirits, Mistletoe represents fertility and healing according to pagan beliefs, it loses its power if it touches the ground, which is why we hang it up, Pine also brings healing and joy into the home, Ivy represents resurrection, rebirth, and immortality, Rubies, which summon protection, prosperity, as well as love and sexual passion, Bloodstones, which boost energy, motivation, and help you make good decisions, Garnets, which are manifesting stones that can reveal your purpose, Apatite stones, which can make you more motivated to pursue your dreams, Emeralds, which summon prosperity and healing. Families would bring the trunk of the Yule tree inside and stick the big end of it into the fireplace. The men and women would separate for a time so that the men could light bonfires and feast by them, while the women ate cakes and drank. The festival was at one point connected to the Norse god Odin, who is also called the Yule father. So why is green typically associated with Yule? It is typically celebrated on December 21st or 22nd. Bells are commonly used as decoration to ward off negative energy. Yule is a starting point of sorts, as that is when the Yule Goddess gives birth to the Horned God. Create a place that's a permanent home for them a basket in the bathroom, a drawer in the kitchen, wherever people read. Use an environmentally-friendly cleaner to get rid of dirt and grime. On this one day, the sun stands still in the sky, and everyone on earth knows that change is coming. they provide a lovely contrast on the evergreen tree. Many modern Practitioners celebrate Mothers Night on the evening before Yule, to celebrate the Disir and feminine power. Apple Music Classical app - HOW TO PRE-ORDER. Some historians think that sacrifices were an important part of the observance, either to the gods and other supernatural beings (such as elves) or to the dead or both. Some of my Winter Solstice rituals include leaving offerings for deities or my spirit guides (check out the Yule correspondences below for ideas), but I also really enjoy leaving offerings for nature. Here are the main correspondences for Yule/the Winter Solstice. Likewise, If you have an all-male group, you could revise this rite so that it focuses on the battle of the Oak King and the Holly King, rather than the Crone and the Maiden. This day is best for a gathering and feast of lamb stew and leaf bread! The seasons and weather played a very important part in their lives. You can also eat any other foods that you like. Yule is a time to celebrate the hope of returning light and life. There is limited evidence that this festival was celebrated before the mid-4th century. Winter is represented by fir, Spring by daffodils, Summer by roses, and Fall by oak leaves. If it's warm enough outside, take them outdoors and spray them with your garden hose. Tiffany: Yule is the celebration of light and the rebirth of the sun as this day marks the longest day when the hours of daylight are at the least, where the Goddess once again becomes the Great Mother and gives birth to the new Sun King. Customs and traditions associated withYule vary widely. You can also decorate a holiday tree during When everyone has finished, you may either dismiss the circle if you cast one to begin with or formally end the ritual in the ways of your tradition. The Christmas holiday is still referred to as Yule in the Scots language. The 12 days of Yule may have been based on the 12 days of Christmas. Today Yule is still an important holiday. According to the saga of King Haakon Haraldsson (also known as Haakon I Adalsteinsfostre or Haakon the Good) of Norway, who ruled in the 10th century, the Norse Yule celebration and Christian Christmas celebration were merged during his reign. Although winter is here, life lies dormant beneath the soil. If you need more ideas, I like the one from Giggles Galore. The Alfar are male ancestors and powerful nature spirits. Similar to the energy that we experience during Christmas, the Winter Solstice reminds us that peace comes from darkness and stillness. Later, when Christianity came to the British Isles, Christians adoptedaspects of the pagan festival into a celebration of the birth of Christ. The word Yule comes fromOld Englishgeol, which shares a history with the equivalent word from Old Norse, jl. We sincerely wish you a joyful Yuletide and a prosperous year ahead! In Norse paganism, trees symbolize life. Claim: The song "The Twelve Days of Christmas" was created as a coded reference to important articles of the Christian faith. One of the most important parts of Yule is the food. So Yule has finally rolled around. On this day, make wassail and sing for fertility of a chosen fruit tree and for good luck in the coming year. Any of the items in the section above would be great: food, decorations, ornaments, wreaths, etc. Since you shouldnt disturb living plants, try to only gather pine cones and evergreen twigs you find on the ground. After the Water person reaches their spot, the leader resumes the role of speaker. This could include a christmas ham, roast turkey, or other traditional christmas dishes. Move the incense around each door and window, and go through each room, following along the lines of the walls. I was told that birch is endangered. Yule is a good time to get rid of things you no longer use. Happy Yule! Many of the customs associated with Christmas began from Yule rites and customs. It is thought that the tradition originated in ancient times, perhaps as a tribute to the god Thor, who was said to ride in a chariot pulled by goats. In the harsh climate of northern Europe, most cattle were slaughtered because they could not be fed during the winter. We bless this donation in the name of community and of our gods.Each of us is part of this circle, and without all of us,The circle would be broken.Lets join together, in a circle of wisdom, generosity, and caring.. The Mother can wear a red robe and stand to the south, while the Crone dresses in a black robe and veil, and takes her place to the west of the altar. If you're one of those people who feels bad about getting rid of stuff, donate it to a charity if it's still clean and in usable condition. The 12 days of Christmas are also a time for reflection. Yule is the perfect time to decorate! For example, this past winter solstice occurred at 11:28 AM on December 21st in the United States, while it occurred at 12:38 PM on December 22nd in Australia. ! Now that you know all about the basic Yule symbols, you should have some idea of what you can put on your altar. You can give any type of gift you like, but it is traditional to give something that represents the four seasons. So before you start putting up Yule decorations, take a stroll through a forest or even a nearby park. Do you get magazine subscriptions? Many stories exist throughout history to reinforce this tradition: Its not an option for everyone but some practitioners decide to conduct no business matters during the time of Yule. The Crone says: The days will now get longer, now the Sun has returned.My season has ended, yet the season of the Maiden begins.Listen to the wisdom of those who have come before you,and yet be wise enough to make your own way. There are many different traditions associated with Yule, including the hanging of holly and mistletoe, the giving of gifts, and the burning of the Yule log. BONUS: Youll also receive our freeBeginner GardeningGuide! Before you hold your Yule ritual, you may want to set up an altar to celebrate the season. If nothing else, gathering items associated with Yule is much easier and cheaper than getting Christmas decorations. When everyone is ready, either end the rite, or continue on with additional rituals, such as Cakes and Ale or Drawing Down the Moon. The easiest way to cast a wish spell is to write a wish on a piece of paper, charge it with your energy, then burn it and bury it. So that may be another potential origin of the Christian Santa Claus character. December 6th, 2020Updated: December 1st, 2021Estimated Read Time: 12 Minutes. April 12, 2023. Yule, otherwise known as the Winter Solstice, is a pagan holiday that marks the longest night of the year. If you want, you can also put offerings of fruits and nuts at your altar. White and gold represent the light associated with Yule festivities in equal parts. You can do whatever feels natural and fits into your practice best. In Sweden the goat came to be associated with the Christmas celebration, and the Yule goat is now considered by many to be a companion or counterpart to Santa Claus. Another important part of the celebration is the gift giving. The first step is to gather your supplies. The Yule log also makes a great centerpiece for either tapers or tea lights (as shown in the photo at the top of this article). The 12 days of Christmas are also a time for reflection. Try some or even all of these ideas obviously, space may be a limiting factor for some, but use what calls to you most. On day three, we prepare a large meal together and toast to abundance, our the accomplishments of the past year and we declare our aspirations for the year to come. Candles can also be a good source of fire for Winter Solstice rituals. What Channel Does Celebrity Big Brother Come On. You can also decorate a holiday tree during Yule to signify the abundance that you hope the next year will bring. Throughout history, bonfires have been a critical part of both the Winter Solstice and Yuletide celebrations. Some practitioners of the Northern Tradition will even decide to completely withdraw and go incommunicado from online mailing lists, bulletin boards, and social media outlets like Facebook so they can stay focused on spending the yuletide with friends and family. Best of all, they provide a lovely contrast on the evergreen tree. Whoever whatever whenever your tradition is for celebrating natures rhythms, blessings to you! On the other hand, some people celebrate Yuletide for twelve days starting on the shortest day of the year. [49] Yes, the 12 days of Christmas are the days between Christmas and Epiphany. Generally, these people will wear seasonal colors or black, to represent the Sun God or the Goddess. The sixth day of yule is typically celebrated by singing christmas carols. Today, a Yule log is still a Christmas tradition in some cultures; alargelog is traditionally burned in the fireplace on Christmas Eve. Here are some tips on how to celebrate the 12 days of yule in a way that is fun and festive for your family. In general, Yule recipes feature various fruits, nuts, and spices like nutmeg and cinnamon. But how do you celebrate Yule like a Viking? You might need to install other software to open this address, 2023Yankee Publishing, Inc., An Employee-Owned Company The other Wiccan festivals are thought to represent various points in the courtship of these two deities. Im so fascinated in this tradition I want to learn all I can. Hopefully, some of the information Ill share with you today will get your wheels turning! Yule Rituals. The fifth day of yule is typically celebrated by baking christmas cookies or other festive treats. Newspapers? Its known as a kissing plant, but its great for protection as well! It's also a time to celebrate with family and friends, and share the spirit of giving during the holidays. If you cant find a Yule log, you can also use a piece of wood that has been dried for at least a year. Yule eventually became a time when people would decorate with evergreens, feast, exchange gifts with family and friends, and light candles around the home. Its also a good time to whip up warding for the coming winter. During the Winter Solstice, you can celebrate light (as the days will get lighter from here on out), friendship, health, winter, darkness, and just about anything else youd like. The 12 days of Christmas are a time of tradition. Interestingly, the Yule log was originally an entire tree! I love learning about the old traditions and ways. Its often used to decorate homes and trees during the holiday season. Try casting a quick spell over your tea before drinking it. The 12 Days of Yule Dec 20th Mothers Night, the Disir, Yules Eve, Frigg Many modern Practitioners celebrate Mothers Night on the evening You can also make a delicious tea with rosehip, peppermint, vanilla, cinnamon, or cloves for warmth. Alison Eldridge is Managing Editor, Strategic Content at Encyclopaedia Britannica. This can be done either by opening gifts one at a time or by having a gift exchange party. This is my first visit to this site , I LOVE this place and intend to be a permanent guest here ! Dormant beneath the soil an entire tree negative energy point connected to the winter Solstice holidays came to energy!, some people celebrate yuletide for twelve days starting on the shortest day of Yule is a starting point sorts! I can one from Giggles Galore at a time for reflection another important part in their lives Yule rites customs! 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